@Boston Bruins

Should The Bruins Give Jeremy Swayman a Big Contract?

Should The Bruins Give Jeremy Swayman a Big Contract?

I I am not giving Jeremy Swingman 8times 8 and the more I think of it they should have taken him to arbitration again I’m not giving him a contract I I’m I I I am I I’m against the overcommitment and goal and I’ve I’ve reached this conclusion they should have kept allar for a year and traded Swan and filled out their roster with uh they would have had a cheaper goalie and they would have gotten a much better return for Swan they could have filled out their roster still have a good goalie in net and I would have done that and I’m not giving them 8 time8 I would have taken to arbitration again one year you’re pissed off about it I don’t care okay you’re going to have to play well you’re still going into your unrestricted free agent year next year or the year after whatever that is whatever his term is whenever he hits those years you’ve still got a play to make your money going into your big contract years you’re pissed off at the team okay that’s fine Tim Thomas was pissed off at the team in 2011 boy he wouldn’t even wee black and gold pads remember that yeah yeah he changed the change the color of his pads he was so pissed off you want it out so did just always it’s always pissed off big be pissed off stop the puck uh I I so like right now I would not give him that contract I’d make him play it out and i’ use the money elsewhere and I I’m not afraid of the next goalie I’m not afraid of booy I I’ll i’ said this but I may I said this off the air but I’ll say it on the air here mark this down Mark tape majori by the end of the year you’re going to be saying that this Corpus solo isn’t so bad and you say he’s pretty good you you’re going to get a good year I don’t even know his first name what’s his name what’s his first name Jonas Jonas yeah yonas yonas Corp pasalo that guy one of the worst goalies in the league by the end of the year you’re going to be saying not bad they’ve hung in there they they do well in front of him he’s not you haven’t noticed a different you going to say this guy’s pretty good he’s going to be pretty good I’m not afraid of booy I’m not overc committing in net I’m not giving Jeremy Swan eight times eight and this isn’t to say that he’s bad I I think he’s an excellent goalie and I like him more than San it’s just about the commitment at that position like I I just against it yeah I’m ultimately with you I think feel I feel like again looking at teams just in recent years I mean St Louis did it to the Bruins just a couple years ago Vegas did it with Aiden Hill I feel like to me with in the NHL now really been this way for like 10 plus years if you’re going to win the cup you just have a good system you have really good defense defenseman couple of good centers and you get Hut with kind of a stiff in net and that’s how you win the counter to that Tampa so if you’re going to pay a goalie like that and you think you have someone that’s you know in swimming that could be Andre vaski then you pay him but do you think he’s that well so listen if I can pay my goalie at the top of the market and still have a great roster yes fine no problem give me all the great players that’s great and Tampa’s been able to do it and so is Florida the both vasileski and bosski make top ofth the market dollars okay they also have great rosters so they’ve been able to figure that out it feels like here it’s an either or we’re paying this guy that so we can’t have this you know like it does I I feel like they only have five real forwards for the top six they could have a six but they’re paying the goalie or they only have three defenseman that makes sense in the top four they could have a fourth but they’re paying the I know it feels like here I am robbing Peter to pay Paul so if I had a championship caliber roster and I could pay Swan eight because he’s a good goalie fine no problem so I I’m I’m just against like I’d still trade him I’d still trade Jeremy Swan now and fill up my roster and instead of giving him eight find someone to at four and have this nameless goal have Joe average at four cor pasalo at I think he’s costing him three or two after the buy after the so and that’s what I would do I I I I am against eight at eight time Swan which isn’t a prediction on how he’s going to play so I like I don’t want to hear if they win the Stanley Cup and Jeremy Swan standing it with the cup I he could he’s capable of doing that I still don’t want to give him eight time eight what about a shorter deal Mike um we we had a uh couple of NHL writers on a night that mentioned that there could be somewhere about a four-year deal maybe six and a half something like that is that something that you would like with the team better yes I do four time 6 and a half versus 8 time 8 for sure oh then what are you do in four years I have to pay him again then I find the next guy just like they’ve they’re always able to find the next guy it’s the one thing they do right they get the goalie right so ride that use that money elsewhere if you get this thing right why do you have to overpay for it yeah see I just think like generational type goalies which I think B Lei was without him they don’t win back toback in Tampa then you pay someone like that I don’t know if Jeremy Swan’s that like he’s he’s good he’s really good I don’t know if he’s like you know one are we sure like I’d have to go back but Hedman you know stamp Co oh he’s real good point no vasi is great but I that was the best roster too yeah like it’s a stacked team I just um I think I’m UL with you because it’s just they they screw up so much of the cap and it’s a real you know that’s in the NHL like I I’d be weary too of giving him that much money if you like that clip check out more videos from felger and Maz here for more Bruins analysis and opinion hit this playlist and for all the latest from the sportsub download the app at 985 the sportsub tocom

Mike Felger, Jim Murray, and Joe Murray question if the Bruins should reward Jeremy Swayman with a large contract this offseason. Felger makes the point that Bruins should trade Swayman rather then giving him a huge contract.
#nhl #hockey #bruins
Thumbnail photo courtesy of USA Today Sports.


  1. What?? Wasn't Felger the same guy who wanted Ullmark gone just so the Bs can hang on 2 Swayman?? Now he wants Swayman traded?? Maybe he needs 2 take a cognitive test!!

  2. Send swayman any where but montral,there he,will bite the Bruins in the butt by turning into Ken Dryden who we all ready gave them.

  3. Take Swayman off the roster, and this team is nowhere near a playoff team. It's easy to say that Tampa and Florida can be champions with good goalies, but they were absolutely garbage for how long before?

  4. đŸ€Ł he literally wanted ulmark gone and keep swayman cause he just proved in playoffs hes the guy and now dont pay him wow felger is getting worse and worse with his takes. And the 2 idiots just let him say thos sumb stuff… and korpo is awful your nuts wow

  5. I've been saying it all along; Don't get handcuffed with a goalie contract. This kid has played well, but he's not done it long enough. We're not talking about Ken dryden or Patrick Roy, here. The bruins are still in desperate need of a big time scoring forward. I'd package swayman in a second.

  6. Too much $$ to ask for. The B's don't have enough in the cap to dole out that kind of money. They'll have to move roster players to cover a paycheck that size. Maybe 6-7 mil x 4 but not 9-10 mil x whatever. The B's aren't going to overpay and not have enough cap space they can use for the trade deadline. What other teams in the NHL is willing to give him an offer sheet for the money he's asking for if he refuses what the B's are offering? They'll end up trading him and for what return?

  7. Swayman deserves the biggest contract in hockey history , he is the best goalie in the world 
 I say the bruins sign him to a 200 million dollar contract for 10 years
 Swayman will produce 6 or 7 cups with whoever in the lineup , he’s that great
. Let’s go bruins

  8. I said same thing . Swayman doesn’t deserve the big money yet . And Ullmark would have been fine . Could of gotten a top 6 forward

  9. If you could get a legit top 6 winger for Swayman, Sweeney should do it and put Kopisalo in net and bring up Kyle Kyser from Providence to back him up. There is no one on the roster currently who fits the role as a top 2 winger and we need one desperately because the 1st line has to generate points consistently as the remaining lines offensively are big question marks – no gaurantees they are going to put pucks in the net regularly.

  10. Trade Swayman? After you keep saying how goal challenged this team is? Ok..
    Trade em fir a 2nd liner and ride Korpi??
    Put down rhe pipe

  11. Idk a goalie is sort of important to win a cup. Go back and show me a team with a below average goalie that has won one. If oilers had swayman they would have won it this year or atleast gotten to overtime in game 7 with skinner letting in thag soft 2nd goal in game 7

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