@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers projected to be 2nd youngest team this season.

Flyers projected to be 2nd youngest team this season.

by StubbornLeech07


  1. bananafone7475

    Love that. Only 5 players over the age of 30, as of right now. And two of them won’t see much ice time.

  2. Flyers are getting younger, playing and developing the kids, accumulating prospects and picks, and half of twitter is acting like Danny is the worst GM in hockey.

  3. Cute-Contract-6762

    Just gonna get younger as we flip some of our aging guys for picks at the deadline too. Next years draft is gonna be huge. No pressure to the FO or anything but if we knock it out of the park we’re gonna be very serious contenders in five years

  4. I wouldn’t have guessed Colorado is the oldest team.

  5. I would like to see this weighted by projected ice time, but it’s good the team got younger during a rebuild.

  6. SanePatrickBateman

    *Clearly* the Flyers aren’t rebuilding though

  7. scratchydaitchy

    Teams who have been consistently terrible should be expected to be on this list due to all those high picks over the years- Buf, Mon, Utah, Ott, Ana, Columbus, and SJ. Where is Chicago? Blackhawks will probably shoot up this list in the next couple years?

    This bodes well for the teams you didn’t expect to be so high on this list like the Flyers, Bruins, Rangers and Stars.

  8. Everdriver478

    I thought our entire roster was old washed up pieces of trash that can’t play? 🤔

  9. geossica69

    feels good, especially to also have some vets included in that, unlike the sabres

  10. No_Fishing1850

    When our time comes, that Montreal team is gonna be a bitch to get through.

  11. KoozDoingBetter

    Don’t let upcan see this he’ll have a stroke

  12. Local-Cartographer52

    Positivty???? about danny briere??! I thought he was just hextal 2

  13. Arseling69

    We’re still gonna get rage bait comments all year about the Flyers having too many vets, playing older players too much and how Danny isn’t doing enough to make the team younger.

  14. _JuicyPop

    Neat, but I don’t think this matters much in the short term if the rebuild is serious.

    This team will be very different, especially if they’re competing, three+ years down the road.

  15. AC_Lerock

    I’m here for it. Now, if Briere can get a 1C one way or another before the puck drops in 25-26, I’m all in.

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