@Florida Panthers

Zack Stortini vs Darcy Hordichuk Oct 25, 2009

Zack Stortini vs Darcy Hordichuk from the Edmonton Oilers at Vancouver Canucks game on Oct 25, 2009.


  1. why is it that alot of the time when th oil are losing storts is the only one who seems to want to do whatever it takes to win?
    its pathetic the way the rest of the team collapses after a few bad breaks

  2. But Stortini IS fighting better this year.Seems like he's trying a lot harder.I couldnt stand his fights before,but now there atleast watchable

  3. aside from Stortini, the oil are pretty dried up in the fight department. No wonder they're so good… no wait….bad. that's the word i was looking for

  4. zach (huggy bear) beats darcy, I hate both of these teams, however when stortini fights a guy who knows how to punch, such as rick rypien, he gets smoked. Oilers shoulda kept george laraque

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