@Buffalo Sabres



the 2024 NHL season through all of its ups and downs is officially over and now in this offseason the draft picks have been made the free agents have signed and most of the trades have been completed so now we look towards the 2025 season and today we’re going to be ranking every single NHL team from worst all the way to the best so make sure you hit that like button as we go through every single team and your team to see how they could do this next year and if that subscribe Buton if you’re new for more hockey content just like this all throughout the offseason because we’re going to be start pumping out stuff that you guys won’t want to miss but loading up the tier list here to rank every single NHL team we’re going to go through five different tiers here today first we got the Stanley Cup favorite and this is an exclusive one folks maybe two three maybe four teams at the max are going to go in this top tier for me you got the Stanley Cup Contender right below that teams that I could see winning the Stanley Cup in the end next year then you got the playoff teams right in the middle there teams mostly in the 16 to 10 range teams that I see making it but likely not going on a deep playoff run then we got the fourth tier in the Fringe teams and unfortunately for these squads just teams I don’t see making it being close and kind of being in that 85 maybe 95 Point range but not being able to make it and then last but not least the straight Garbo tier where teams like Chicago will find themselves and then last but not least we got the straight Garbo tier which spoilers these San Jose Sharks will find themselves in and you know what we’re just going to go straight into it we’re going to put the San Jose Sharks as the first team in this list because it’ll be the easiest team to rank starting us out here with the 32 teams we’re going to have the same J sharks in the straight Garo tier as mosters I would love to come on here and actually see the San Jose Sharks Stanley Cup favorites reality is going to hit them Square in the face now there’s absolutely zero chance that the S sharks are as bad as they were last year 19 wins 47 points there’s just no chance of that happening again you got the additions of Tyler tley barlay goodro Alex wenberg on the four group and then you got the prospects as well coming up in mlin celebrini Will Smith Ean bordalo could also take that next step I think the offense next year is actually not going to be too bad it won’t be good but it won’t be bad either the defense I think will largely stay the same I don’t think Jake wman is going to make a humongous difference even if I love the guy and I do think he’s a pretty underrated D especially by Detroit I don’t think he’s going to change that defense it’s still going to be pretty bad then you got the gold hting in Blackwood and vachek especially in blackwood’s case I thought he was extremely underrated last year I thought could have been a pretty good addition for some team out there looking for a rental goalie but in blackwood’s case I think he’ll be decent once again for the Sharks though I see them improving but more so being around the 65 to 70 point range and still being a competent team though nothing special but still being in the dumpster enough to have another poor season enough to get them a great chance at another first overall pick which is exactly where San Jose should be now for this tier list it’s going in completely random order next up we got the Vegas golden knights now Vegas is really a weird team to predict because they had a lot of losses this off season in players like jonovan marcheso William KY a Chandler Stevenson Alec Martinez and of course Logan Thompson trade but I think what Vegas did really well this offseason was getting a lot of younger players ERS like Victor olivon Alexander Holtz and ilas Sam sonov who have yet to prove themselves but do have potential really though I think it all depends on that goal tending can Aiden Hill really Be Steady as a starter another season will ilas samsa be able to Rebound in a big way or will he still have those weird inconsistent injury riddled years that’ll be a big thing for Vegas cuz I think the defense and the top end forwards they have are still great when healthy but because they were already pretty inconsistent last year and they turned a lot of their Surefire players into maybe I’m going to put Vegas just in the playoff team tier for now next up we have the Columbus Blue Jackets and I really don’t see it being a great year for them we know just how disappointing Columbus was last year and I do think they will see some improvement I could see them around the 70 75 Point range with just the increases in production of fantilli and some of the younger players they’re big free AG in addition was getting Center Shawn Monahan I think he will improve the overall forward group and I guess you also have Jack Johnson there too but to me the defense is still rather weak and especially healthwise a little bit inconsistent and the goal tending is just poor I like daniil terasa but I don’t think he’ll immediately put up starter numbers especially in the wake of Elvis M lickens and his continual disappointment I mean Columbus is still kind of in this transition period but hopefully they can start improving just a little bit and after this next year that’s when they can start being a playoff team with the youth fully on board so yeah unfortunately straight Garbo for Columbus still next we go into the New Jersey Devils and they’re a team that I thought had a pre complete off season I don’t think they needed to make major surgery to the top end of the four group and they didn’t they really just tinkered round with the bottom six getting players like Stefan Nos and Paul Cotter guys that can really play hard in the bottom six especially n who is one of my favorites in the league Plato Texas for Native you also got the defense too which I think is pretty improved getting Brett pesy also Brenan Dylan who I think is going to be an underrated physical force in that bottom pair but then of course you have the biggest addition in Jacob markstrom who I a big fan of had a really underrated season last year made Calgary a much better team than they would have been in terms of goals they would have expected has been one of the best goalies over the past three five Five Seasons he’s somebody I think could really change New Jersey’s goal tending and it turn it from a weakness to a strength and Jake Allen especially as a backup is a pretty great one and I do think they negated some of the issues with lack of experience with a lot of those additions and Jacob Marksman especially I think will be huge for them they aren’t quite in the favorite tier but because of some of those reasons I see New Jersey rebounding and being a Stanley Cup Contender next we go to the Chicago Blackhawks and honestly I could see a situation where Chicago maybe even gets up to The Fringe teams tier they’re a team that I thought had a really good offseason and in terms of just pure additions now hopefully this time around they have a healthy Taylor Hall that can actually play for them throughout the season that will be an addition for them you also got Tyler bzi and Tavo Terra on the forward side from free agency I think those two guys will just add some great depth all around defensively you also got the additions of Alec Martinez and TJ Brody and they got one of the best goenda in the entire free agency period getting Lauren Brasa who is about as good of a backup as he could possibly get I can honestly see him being the starter next year at points with moraz going to be having some inconsist consistencies bruat can come in and steal some games and I think he will do that for Chicago still though I think most likely Chicago is in the garbage tier but more on the outside of it less being the worst team in the league and more being around the fifth last spot I could see badar taking another big step as well and starting to look like the franchise centerman that Chicago needs next up we going to the T Bay lining and I think for a lot of people this might be the year that a lot of them predict them to miss the playoffs to finally end their streak but I do think there are some things for Tampa that are promising first you get a little bit younger going with Jake gensel as one of your top players really you’re replacing him with Steven stamp Co I think there are situations where that could be better for Tampa in the now and long term too and you’re also looking at the defense too and I do think it is improved getting better depth bringing back MCD and also JJ Moser is an underrated bottom pair piece to me having the defense could actually be decent next year but the big thing that I think keeps Tampa in the playoffs is the prime still of Andre vasileski of now J gensel of Nikita COV of bred points I just see those guys being too good for for Tamp Bay to miss though I could see a situation where just because of the age with some of their depth pieces that that’s just too much to handle but I still think for Tampa they’re a playoff team in the end just barely next going to the LA Kings and they’re a team that I have a pretty big hot take for and they’re a team that I see missing the Playoffs next year it’s for a couple of reasons here one of them is that I think just the overreliance on their older players like kopar and dowy I think could really bite them in the butt next year I also don’t really love that goal ending for them Darcy ker has not been good for a while and I don’t see him being a sizable upgrade if any at all and I just feel like with how many upgrades were made in the Western Conference in general I think the la king is going to be on the outside looking in next up though we go on to the Washington Capitals who if they made no additions in this offseason I would have been easily in the fringed here but they’re a team that had a pretty strong one of course have the forward editions in DuBois manapon Taylor radish Brandon de hay and then on the defense Jacob Chan and Matt Roy Matt Roy especially who I think is a major Edition for them and somebody that I think the Kings will miss as well and on the gooning side Charlie lingren was excellent last year and you get Logan Thompson too who I’m a big fan of wi healthy I think the capitals did a great job of keeping themselves in the playoff conversation and I do think they end up making it in the end next we go to the Toronto M beliefs and they’re a weird team to talk about mostly because they didn’t make the offseason Trad that they thought they would make Mitch Marner is still a leaf and likely will still be a leaf on opening nights but on the defense you got Chris tanv you also got Oliver emman Larsson and I do think those are two big additions but the big problem for troner really over these past couple seasons is that they haven’t been scoring when they’ve needed those big goals and I think that will be still a problem for the leavs in the end but I still see them being a playoff team and still see them being one of the better ones next up we go on to Utah and they’re a team that I honestly could see surprising a lot of folks you already have a great core there forward wise in players like Keller kolie Krauss Gunther is going to be there for the full season which I think will be big for them Maas melli Josh Don but I think the big additions on the defense will really propel them forward you got kill sergachev who will hopefully be fully healthy next year John Marino who I think will have a rebound season there too and on the Goen side you could kind of take it or leave it but I’m a big fan of what Conor Ingram was able to accomplish last year if he has the same kind type of season next season I think Utah is going to be in a great position to contend and I think they will honestly call me crazy but I think in their first year they’re going to be a playoff team and I am so sorry for coyotes fans next up going on to my favorite team of the Dallas Stars they’re definitely going to be in the sty cup favorite tier even though I think they made lateral moves especially on the defense they’re still the team that is built for success with the top end players they have and the depth especially in the four group is still intact it’s still incredible and I think it’ll still be a major strength going forward next up we go into the Detroit Red Wings and they’re a hard team for me to personally rank I really wanted to see them make major additions this off season especially on the defense and the goal tending side but they really didn’t do that in fact I think defensively you can make a case that they got worse trading Jake wman and getting a player like Eric Gos in back and On The Go tending side you got cam talit who I think could be okay at best but I think at best Alex lion will still have to absolutely carry them on the gooning side I think they could have used a Jacob Marksman Edition could have used a big addition on that defense to really solidify themselves but they just didn’t do that there is still time to make additions but as of right now I’m going to put them on The Fringe though I hope to be wrong on this next up we go on to the Calgary Flames and to me they’re a pretty easy team to rank honestly I see them being in the garbage tier but this is exactly where they should be I kind of see them being more in the Chicago territory where they’re more in the 75 maybe 80 Point range not truly horrible but I mean Calgary this is the time to start getting some really good picks you of course got Zay pre in the last draft but hopefully the rebuild starts in Calgary and it really looks like it will not a lot of additions and quite a few subtractions over the last year next up we go on to the Carolina Hurricanes and you can make the case they could be in the stup favorite tier but I’m going to put them in the contender tier for now mostly it’s because I think you can make the case they got worse than they were last season you of course aren’t able to keep Jay gensel who I thought was a critical addition for them of the deadline and really propelled their offense you got Jack roslovic instead who didn’t really work out for the Rangers I don’t really see him working out for the canes you got the defense and I like Shawn Walker but I think he’s pretty similar to what Brett peshi brings and of course he goes on to the New Jersey Devils and gooning Wise It’s the exact same I think got chav will be in a better position next season but I don’t think he’ll rejuvenate that team goal tending wise I think they could have also gone for a major top tiers of how they proved themselves this last year I see them being around the same range I think the Jake the bruss signing is a fantastic one for Vancouver I think he’ll be the perfect linemate alongside Elias Pon and I also think defensively they’re in around the same spot de har and forber will bring some good physicality and of course hopefully Demco will have another great season ahead of him I think Vancouver though of how they set themselves up for Success you can make the case that they could drop back down a reality but with how their top end players play with the go ining if it’s able to stay healthy iing Vancouver will be a solid team next year but especially of how they prove themselves you got to put them in the contender spot now on to the St Louis Blues and they’re another team that I think is pretty easy to rank they’re going to be in The Fringe I think they’re going to be kind of similar to what they were this last year but I think this last season they were really carried by Jordan Bennington having a stellar rebound season after a couple of disappointing years but I think honestly the four group might be a little bit improved they really revamped the depth there I think it could prove to give them some more goals but I still think the defense is rather weak and I just don’t think they have enough topend talent to put them over the edge but they’ll be one of those teams that could potentially sneak in and get there as a 92 93 Point team next up we go on to the Boston Bruins and they’re a team I don’t think you can ever truly count out I do think they kind of were strange in some of the free agency decisions they made but I don’t think it will hurt them this next year I think it’ll be solid getting LOL getting zadorov those are two big guys for them and still Jeremy San as a starter of the future is what the direction they should be going towards I don’t think they’re going to be an incredible team but I still think they will be in the playoff race still being right there in the thick of it next up we go on to Philly and they’re a team that surprised me a ton this last year and of course they’re adding mat Fe Meka but there isn’t a ton of big decreases you of course have Carter har going off the team for very serious reasons but you add matth meop who I think is going to be absolutely brilliant for him for them and I think that will be the major addition but I think they’ll be largely the same still in the French not quite garbage of tier but unfortunately not quite good enough to make the playoffs next up we go to the Florida Panthers and they’re another team that is pretty easy to talk about they’re going straight in the Stelling cup favorite tier not really much of a discussion there I’m not sure if they win the cup next year because I think they lost quite a bit on the defensive side but they’re still one of the favorites out there for sure next up we go to the Minnesota Wild and they are a team that I also see kind of being in that Philadelphia Flyers ranged here not good enough to make the playoffs but not good enough to be truly garbage I think it’s boosted by Krill caprisa Brock Faber Matt Baldi you have a decent core there outside of caprisa but I don’t think it’ll be enough to truly propel them I still still see the go ining being a little bit inconsistent and just the depth throughout the roster not being what it needs to be for Minnesota being in no man’s land which is where their franchise has always seemingly been next up we go on to the Colorado Avalanche and they’re a team that honestly I could see not being as strong as this last year declining once again mostly because of the complete lack of depth I mean out of any team out there I think Colorado is the one that decimated the most by cap space and really a lack of it I mean you look at their depth they got Nikolai kovalenko on their second line they’re going to have Parker Kelly Chris Wagner and Yol K Ron on the defense I mean they are decent I could see Eric branstrom performing well there but goaling wise I’m not a big fan of gorv on I think could have another good season hopefully having another solid season after the second half performance they had this last year but I just think the depth will be a major issue for them especially if Val tushin is a part of their team if Gabriel lisag isn’t a part of their team they will be extremely thin I still see them making the playoffs but don’t be surprised because in a lack of depth they have a hard time making it next up we go on to the Montreal Canadians and they’re pretty unchanged compared to last year but I think some of the Improvement will just be because of those younger players in slavoski and Coffield and Suzuki and Kirby doc hopefully finally knock on wood being healthy next year and of course Elaine Hudson doesn’t hurt either I still think they’ll have to wait another year to actually be a complete Fringe team to be right up there in the playoff race but I could see them being in there for a couple months throughout the year but just making steady Improvement likely being around the 80 85 point Pace next up we got another team here that I think will be in the playoff race again in the Winnipeg Jets they’re a team that I think is pretty simple of how they’ll go about next year it’s not too much change really the big addition is getting scar Arnold as full-time head coach there in Winnipeg but I don’t think it’s going to make too much of a difference considering he was already one of the coaches there on that staff with Conor huk still at the top of his game and some of the star players they have there still in shley and morrisy and Kyle Connor I still think it’ll be pretty hard to miss the playoffs unless there’s some major injury issues I still see them being a playoff team now we go into New York Islanders and another team like Winnipeg that isn’t too changed but I do think the Anthony duclair signing was an absolutely brilliant one honestly one of the best of this off season but I do think the Islanders will be a victim of just the competitive playoff race in the East and even though I like to do CLA signing there are still some issues on that team especially defensively and with the top end Talent they have that I think will kind of limit them in the end I think Patrick G will still have a good effect for that team but I still think they’ll be around the 90 95 Point range and I think there’s a good chance that they end up missing right now I’m going to have them on the outside honestly same thing goes with the Ottawa SS I see them making some good improvements I think the Mark’s deal is brilliant for them and hopefully he’ll finally again knock on wood solve the go ending issues and you can make the case that because of that they could be in the playoff race that they could finally end up making it but again I think that stacked Eastern conference is really going to fight with them I think it’s honestly between them or a team like Tampa and Washington getting in but I do see them just being On The Fringe kind of like the Islanders just barely not making it I did like some of the additions like David pan and Noah Greger onto that bottom six but I still think the big holes come defensively I like Nick Jensen but I don’t think he’s going to save that defense by any means and it’s still going to be pretty weak all around that to me I think will hold them back now we go to the Seattle Kraken and they’re a team that honestly you can make the case could maybe improve a little bit you got the Chandler Stevenson Brandon Montour editions but I still think they’ll be on the outside I just think that go ending is still rather weak and they just don’t have the top end Talent man that’s the big thing for me besides maybe Vince Dunn who I think is their best player forward wise they just don’t have a lot there and a lot of top end talent that can make a big impact to me I still see Seattle being On The Fringe but more so towards the back of the pack towards Minnesota next we go to the Anaheim Ducks and I think they’re pretty squarely in the straight garbage tier I think they have at least another year of being in the dumpster before they really turn that page cutter GOI is going to be a ton of fun having there for his first season but I still think they have a little bit of problems depthwise playing Ross Johnson in a 2025 is going to be absolutely crazy to me and defensively they did get Brian Duman I guess but he’s pretty fine at this stage in his career at best and I don’t think he’s going to Rel solve the defensive issues there really throughout the entire roster I think defensively this team is going to be pretty rough though a lot more fun to watch than a prior seasons and I think at this point in their rebuild that’s what matters next up we go to the Buffalo Sabers and they’re a team that didn’t have the craziest offseason in the world but I honestly see being a playoff team in the end I just think with the improvements naturally throughout the roster we’re going to see them have a better season I’m starting to see the vision a little bit with their bottom six editions going for speed going for banging crash players like Sam laery Beck millstein Nicholas ABI Cabell even Ryan McCloud we think will be a great third line Center for them I do think defensively they could have gone for another D but I could see why they want it and then you on the goal tending s in Uka pekal Lucan in who was great in the first half of last year and Devon Levi who I think will be a full time starter next year he had the struggles last season but I think this next year we’ll see him really rise and really show himself for Buffalo next up for the EV oers they going straight in this St cup favorite tier their offseason was actually pretty interesting I really like the forward editions and Jeff Skinner and Victor harson a lot of potential offense being brought there I do think there are still issues defensively throughout the roster but I do think offense makes up for it and like last year they’re a lot better built for a team you could see how they proved themselves as a complete unit and I think they’ll stay around that range next season now next up we got the national predators and they’re a team that throughout this entire off season was going absolutely ham with the trades with the free agent signings Stam Coast marcheso just everybody they got on the roster it was insane the additions they made I also think with the hopeful improvements of UC staros getting back to True Form Nashville is going to be a really strong team next year long term with the contracts they sign they’re might be some issues there but I think Nashville’s honestly potentially in the Stanley Cup Contender tier with how much they improved last year with how much they improved this off season and yuss Soros being there don’t count out Nashville there are some problems still having defensively but honestly I could see a situation where Nashville really surprises a lot of people like they did last year and continues to improve now we got the New York Rangers and I see a lot of people out there putting them in just like the playoff teams tier or even potentially missing the Playoffs I mean that is insane I think the Rangers still deserve to be a standing cup Contender sure did they make sweeping changes no and I do think they could have made some sweeping changes that could have improved especially the fiveon five roster but I do think they’re still going to be a great team next year eigor jurkin Adam Fox the top end players they have there there are still some incredible talents and he will have the improvements in heel and Alexi laier there as well in players like Keandre Miller I still think the Rangers are going to be strong well they win the up probably not but they’re still going to be a competent team next up we got the Pittsburgh Penguins and they’re going straight in The Fringe tier to me they’re a team that kind of is just the opposite of Washington it’s pretty crazy to see these two teams parallel each other you have Pittsburgh who just fails to make creative decisions and fails to get themselves out of this hole meanwhile you have Washington wheeling and dealing getting P Luke dub changing their entire roster getting Logan Thompson making all these additions onto this youthful core and you could see the difference in these two teams team I think Pittsburgh is heading towards the down while Washington is heading towards the up and in Pittsburgh’s case even though they still have the top end guys and Crosby and the tang and Malin I just don’t see The Supporting Cast there good enough to make it work and be a playoff team I’m I’m sorry now looking at everything here I’m going to make a couple of adjustments I’m going to put New Jersey in the Stanley Cup favorite tier just have another team in the east in that tier I’m also going to have Tampa Bay back in The Fringe teams just to make sure that there is eight slots for the East and eight slots for the West in the playoff just to make it as even as I possibly can I think Tampa is probably the most likely out of the teams I had here in the East to be out of the playoff race just because of natural aging and potentially the defense still not being good enough to complete a full season we’ll see what ends up happening but I think this is going to be my list for this year obviously there’s still stuff to change this offseason we could still see some more trades but this is how I’m seeing the NHL as of right now let me know Down Below guys what do you guys think of my list what do you agree what do you disagree with and where do you see your team plac out of all of the five tiers here I would love to know your thoughts down below of course make sure hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell if you haven’t already and comment down below all your thoughts should the hockey fans you guys know online and click on this card for all my rankings content right in one playlist my name is Nathan and I hope you have a fantastic hockey day I will see you in the next one and goodbye

The 2024-25 NHL Season is now around the corner, and today I went through EVERY SINGLE NHL TEAM and ranked them all for next season!

But which NHL teams do I see being in the dumpster or being CONTENDERS this next season? And where does YOUR team rank? Let’s find out!

#nhl #hockey #nhlpredictions #nhlrankings

(Ranking Every NHL Team 2024-2025 / NHL Teams Ranked / National Hockey League 2025 Stanley Cup Playoff Predictions / 2024-25 NHL Standings Predictions / NHL Highlights & NHL Playoff Picks 2024 / 2024-25 NHL Season Predictions / 2025 Stanley Cup Winner / Anaheim Ducks / Boston Bruins / Buffalo Sabres / Calgary Flames / Carolina Hurricanes Colorado Avalanche / Columbus Blue Jackets / Chicago Blackhawks / Dallas Stars / Detroit Red Wings / Edmonton Oilers / Florida Panthers / Los Angeles Kings / Minnesota Wild / Montreal Canadiens Habs / New Jersey Devils / New York Rangers / New York Islanders / Ottawa Senators / Philadelphia Flyers / Pittsburgh Penguins / Tampa Bay Lightning / Toronto Maple Leafs / Utah Hockey Club / Vancouver Canucks / Vegas Golden Knights / Washington Capitals / Winnipeg Jets Picks & Free Agency/Free Agents Rankings / Offseason Predictions / Trades Deadline Stanley Cup Season Picks Draft Prospect Decisions Talk 2024-25)

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  1. RANKING TIME BEGINS! Let's start with every team for next year! Let me know folks, how did I do? What do YOU agree & disagree with? And which tier would you put YOUR favorite NHL team? #GravGang

  2. Oilers had their shot at the Cup; next season they won't be as lucky or as motivated. An outside contender, not a favorite. Florida could take it again; Dallas is overrated. Leafs won't be as good as last season.

  3. kings will be better this year after all star talbot was terrible , they got rid of dubois which was the best thing they’ve done

  4. 2 good 1st round picks in the next draft… Come on Vegas!!!

    As a sharks fan, I'm fine with it!

  5. No joke, y'all don't even understand how underrated M. Blackwood was last season. No joke, any team looking to win the cup that's weak spot is goal-tending, I genuinely believe he could be that guy.

  6. Disagree with a Keefe team being a Stanley Cup favorite, especially a team that missed the playoffs last year. If you want two from each division there, it should be the Rangers IMO.

    Buffalo and Washington over Tampa Bay and Ottawa is a really hot take IMO, maybe not Ottawa, but their goaltending and coaching improved to the point where I can see them squeaking in.

  7. I think Tampa makes it over Buffalo, I also see Carolina taking a step back , they remind me of Tampa and will make the playoffs but are not a contender right now.

  8. as a canes fan, i dont see how they get better this season. Lost guentzel, tuevo, noesen, pesce, skjei, and now possibly kuznetsov. it's gonna be a transition year and they'll be lucky to grab the wild card.

  9. I'd be hesitant to put my devils as a favorite but we deserve no less than contender. Last year was egregiously disappointing and I hope an anomaly. If that proves true, they could be a sneaky favorite. A mix of skill and nasty may surprise some folks and that has historically made NJ dangerous in the playoffs.

  10. San Jose and Chicago cant have the first overall pick for 5years from the year they win it …rule changed a couple years ago

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