@National Hockey League

Utah Blizzard Design Pitch

Utah Blizzard Design Pitch

by NyxNerdCave


  1. The graphics are cool, but those fonts are…. a choice

  2. Ditch the patterns on the sleeves – makes it look like a Xmas sweater. Otherwise, pretty solid!

  3. TidePodDelight

    I know it won’t happen but I am a proud Utah Spiders supremacist

  4. CitizenNaab

    I like the fact it doesn’t seem related to Colorado at all. A lot of the ideas (Mammoth and Blizzard specifically) really use our teams (Mammath and Avalanche) and logos or stylizations from the logos. This seems very unique and I appreciate that.

  5. Abortedinapastlife

    Why pick colors extremely close to the Kraken.. lame

  6. CanesFan10

    Looks like lopsided boobs but that’s just me…

  7. Urban_Heretic

    I came for the primary logo.
    But, I up-voted for U farted logo.

  8. These are phenomenal

    Replies are being weirdly cynical

    Because you’ve shown what the league should be like, this is exactly what jersey design should be and that currently things are meh

    The font as the sweater aesthetic is really nifty

  9. One might say the luminescent ish blue on the back of the white jerseys is a bit much but honestly it’s a nice accent, not too overwhelming

    Maybe making the C the same blue, nice tie in

    Love how the icy breath of the monster guy makes a ‘B’ then u B on the other logo

  10. LordaeronReconquista

    Very smooth. I do not look forward to a design about 1/3 as good as this being chosen.

  11. Pongfarang

    Have they picked a name? I imagine desert when I think of Utah, not snow, even though I know they get some.

    Can’t they call themselves Utah Salt?

  12. TheFoundation_

    I like the “U Blow” logo lol looks cool tho honestly

  13. DontCallMeMillenial

    None of those options are good logos or fonts.

    Everything looks like half assed Bing image-generated shit for a beer league team.

    Keep it simple, stupid.

  14. SlimJim0877

    The fonts are meh but these are awesome otherwise

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