@Toronto Maple Leafs

Could Moving Marner to Center Be the Key to Unlocking the Leafs Forward Depth?

This isn't an original idea by any means, even all the way back in 2015 before Mitch played a game it was being discussed. I can't find the quote, but I remember Dubas being asked about it only a couple years back, and his reasoning for it not being experimented with was because Mitch is performing as a first team allstar right winger. With Domi showing chemistry on Auston's wing, John going into his age 34 season, and being in the center position an avenue to maximize Marner's defensive strengths, now might be the time to try it. Thoughts?                                

Robertson (Holmberg)MarnerNylander
DewarKampfReaves (Holmberg)

Happy dog days boys!

by FeltzeR


  1. No. Marner can’t take draws. If anyone it would be Nylander but we’ve tried it and it wasn’t a great look.

  2. mattfromjoisey

    He’s not being moved. Either the front office gives him a “lowball” offer or he walks. I can’t imagine them actually being dumb enough to give him a bump with our current cap.

    Then again…

  3. Sideshift1427

    He’s an NHL winger. Every junior team makes their star forward a centreman.

  4. I have no idea if he can do it. But Centers have way more defensive responsibilities, not to mention winning face offs.

  5. nomusicnopls

    It’s entirely possible. He would have a little more freedom during the playoffs at center instead of being confined to the wing. Maybe it could be something where Tavares takes the draws, and then he switches to wing responsibilities and Marner takes center.

  6. hes an elite winger. This topic is brought up every year and its time to stop. HES.A.WINGER.

  7. JamesCurtis24

    Our guys we lay 50 mil of the cap to actually scoring in the playoffs, particularly late in series, is what would really create depth.

  8. Arebee936

    fuck it, have each of the core 4 center their own line.





    gorgeous lineup, no notes

  9. sadleafsfan8834

    He’s too slow and who knows how he’d do on the draws.

  10. VitaminTea

    Putting Matthews, Marner, *and* Nylander at centre for a few months, and seeing which of 16 & 88 looks the best in the audition, would be a pretty interesting experiment. You could shift Tavares back into the middle in the new year and confidently run three deep down the middle for the stretch run.

    (Would also have the added benefit of taking some hard miles off Tavares’s plate, while getting to explore his chemistry as a winger with each of the other core forwards.)

  11. 1. He already plays like a centre being defensively responsible

    2. He’s also proved unwilling / not able to carry his own line so unless this is the goal what’s the point

  12. Current-Own

    Not a big fan of Marner. Not the player rather the personality, but if he stays around I would certainly entertain the idea of him trying his hand at center. He plays more like a centre now than Matthews does. He carries the play more than Matthews does. 

  13. I still think we should look to acquire Gourde to play down the middle. With the Krakken acquiring stephenson, I think he could be had for relatively cheap without being a long term commitment cap-wise.

    He’s great both ways, was almost a point per game in his last postseason (13 points in 14 GP in 2023) and could form a great shutdown line with Marner that would allow us to spread our talent throughout the lineup.

    Knies – Matthews – Domi

    McMann – Gourde – Marner

    Cowan/Robertson – Tavares – Nylander

    Holmberg – Kampf – Dewar

    Order them however you choose. If Cowan makes the team (which I think he will) Robertson is traded for futures. Jarnkrok is traded to clear cap space.

    Each of Marner, Matthews and Nylander should be able to drive their own lines. Using the Marner and Kampf lines in defensive situations opens up the other two for more offensive opportunities. 

    Could walk away with extra draft picks and a realistic chance to re-sign gourde at a manageable cap hit that would not block Minten when he’s ready. 

    I think this is the best playoff lineup we’d have in years, especially if hakanpaa is healthy.

  14. insubordin8nchurlish

    Marner doesn’t have problems at his position, he has problems in the playoffs.

  15. TheGreatJizzo

    Or, hear me out, try to win the Atlantic division for the first time in the Matthews era.

  16. strangewhatlovedoes

    No. He’s slow, shies away from physical play, is lazy at both ends of the ice, and disappears in big games.

  17. As long as Marner has to look for players other than Matthews, it could work.

  18. IAmTheBredman

    The issue isn’t what position marner plays. The issue is having 3 forwards each making 11mil+ and trying to build around that. This isn’t an issue of talent, work ethic, or whatever other buzzword people want to throw around. It’s a math problem. Matthews is making 13.25, nylander 11.5, and marners going to want around 12. That 12 mil needs to go into the depth so we don’t have league min guys on the 3rd line.

  19. I’m on board with moving Marner. Out of town, that is.

  20. Monst3r_Live

    you want to move a guy who displays absolutely zero effort to get in the hard to play areas of the ice to center?

  21. ShinyBarge

    That puts him behind his own net and in the corners battling for the puck. Not his forte.

  22. dntstpblevin

    He’d probably win a selke and it would be good to have JT 3rd line centre this season. Easier to replace him at winger than find a 2nd line centre.

    Trouble is I’d worry about durability. He already can’t finish a season and the timing of his injury this past year basically crippled our cup chances.

  23. I just want to see him play under a new coach. I never really had an issue with his game – including playoffs – when he was playing under Babs. In some sick way I think he needs that type of motivation to get his game going. Always felt like Keefe was too nice to him. Of course, I have no idea what is going on in that room so what do I know?

  24. CoolBeansMan9

    Treliving: it’s not that hard, tell him Chief

    Chief: it’s extremely hard

  25. Lumpy-Helicopter-936

    NO!. The key to forward depth is not overpaying your “stars”, so you can afford to fill out your roster. After seeing the free agent signings recently it’s never been more clear that Matthews, nylander, Tavares, marner, Riley are all OVER PAID!. This team has zero chance at a cup. 

  26. EquinoxClock

    They could solve most of their problems just by making Marner an offensive defenceman. That’s what they need and then they would have a spot open for a forward. Marner is competent at defence.

  27. Murky-Smoke

    Nobody giving Domi any credit for the job he did at centre when called upon

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