@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Revisiting the Jake trade

Revisiting the Jake Guentzel trade.

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  1. A few months of Guentzel service in exchange for Bunting and youth, I think was at least a very fair exchange but actually a quite good deal for the Pens. It comes at the expense of giving Crosby everything the Pens could to make the playoffs. But they were not a deep team even if they squeaked in. They are better this year 24-25 as it is not clear 59 would have signed this off season.

  2. Great take on the Guentzel trade and Crosby. My frustration with Dubas' decision making with Guentzel has always been the punting away of a season or two or three near the end of Sid's career. The penguins best chance to win a Stanley cup is while Sid is here (not to say they can't or won't win without him, but the chances are higher while he is here) so the plan to punt 1-3 years in particular like you said with a guy who has connected with him on the ice better than anyone else (including Hossa) was in my mind completely missing something…..Now if someone they turn things around much quicker and these younger guys contribute in play or in a trade for a player than great….but so far not just last year, it seems this year has been punted, that is 2 years that is 'wasted' with Crosby here and that's hard for me to stomach.

    I'm glad I've found your daily takes. Enjoy listening to them

  3. Every piece for Jake is a long shot or marginally talented. Read the damn scouting reports ….honestly . Most other GM’s would have landed a 1st , ++ . For a 40 goal player in his prime. Pens got magic beans…why shouldn’t Sid wait his signature out this summer when mangamnt has been SO bad , SO far ….?

  4. The trade is what it is. The way I see it as an outsider I still blame Dubas for gambling with Sid's emotions and the lack of communication during that trade. He could've handled that more carefully with the same outcome. That's also my only criticism on Dubas. I think he's going the right direction with the organization.

  5. Nice flip-flop. Pan a trade and then slowly reverse opinion while at the same time refusing to admit you originally erred. You do that a lot on opinions you strongly make and then walk away slowly from in hindsight. You've got sports GM potential in you…or used car salesman.

  6. He wasn’t coming back so it was the right move. Hell the pens didn’t need him they needed a goalie. It’s not a coincidence what happened when the back up become the starter the pens take off. Reminds me of another team that did the same thing the year before but made it to the playoffs and almost won it the year before they did…… the panthers.

  7. Yes Dubas's best chances are with Sid, but that's still not enough, and they still won't get there. This team is missing too much in terms of talent, youth and chemistry to fix it in the time frame they have left with him. Cup winning teams are built over time, they aren't cobbled together in desperation mode around an old core of players from a different culture of success and attitude. It's one thing to add a couple players at the end of the season at the trade deadline, but it's entirely different to start every season with several new players from outside and expect everything to work with one big kumbaya season of magic and success.

    The team's a combination of too old and too young and too confused right now as to what it's identity is, how they need to play, and what it needs from a coaching and systems standpoint to have the cohesion to all be playing the same way and at the same level. There's just too much wrong and out of sync with the team at so many levels and people want to hide behind Sid as the reason why they can, when in actuality, it's the reason they can't. It's the crux of the issue that keeps everyone in denial. "As long as there's Sid". Sorry, but no. Not anymore. Even if Sid was in his 20's it wouldn't get them there over the next 3 years.

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