@National Hockey League

Should the NHL implement Halo Boards?

Should the NHL implement Halo Boards?

by Only-Reels


  1. KosherKush1337

    The decision is more in the hands of arena owners than a league or team…unless the team owns the arena. That being said, those halo boards are awesome and it would be cool to see them in more arenas in the future.

  2. I mean, it’s cool and all, but isn’t it excessive? I mean, I’m here to watch the game, not an IMAX 3D super 4K ultra HD movie experience shit, anyway, yeah looks cool

  3. RhythmTimeDivision

    This will be like playing sports in The Sphere.

  4. Tampadarlyn

    So I can have more advertisements distracting me from the game I already paid $$ to see?

    Edit: No, thanks. Jumbo-tron is good enough.

  5. I’m all for a good video board but I don’t think I need every stat I can imagine about every player. This seems like too much.

  6. Impressive, but overkill. And, I highly doubt any NHL owner would install something like this because of the cost, even if they can. Only somebody like Balmer would have done something like this in an arena of its size.

  7. Upnatom617

    Imagine spending all of that money for the clippers.

  8. Batsinvic888

    Theese look much better in large stadiums (NFL/soccer). It’s too large in arenas.

    Maybe if it was much smaller and more centralized.

  9. CartelClarke

    I’d rather have smoking sections and a built in organ.

  10. NkdUndrWtrBsktWeevr

    Would have so much space for gambling ads!!!

  11. commodore_stab1789

    The board really only needs to display score, power plays and time. Replays when relevant.

    Anything else, I’m watching the ice.

  12. DeafManSpy

    It could be distracting and the brightness may make it harder to see the game if people are sitting in the upper seats. If they are thinking about do this, maybe do a test and pretend they are in the customer’s shoes.

  13. Ch33zNugg3ts

    Heres my dumbass thinking their arena is still a steel frame and not a fully functional arena

  14. mikeclodfelter

    I get that this is the direction these days, but certainly over the top as well. I’d rather keep simpler and stay focused on the game happening on the ice.

  15. bayloSEAKraken

    honestly, the kraken showed two jumbotrons are enough. we don’t need a halo board

  16. Freak_Out_Bazaar

    There’s no need for any NHL arena to aggressively implement it of course but at the same time there’s no reason for them to avoid it assuming they can afford it and players/fans are OK with it. It’s just a fancy display

  17. dneiekrkrnrj

    They should invent a device that you can carry around in your pocket that has the stats if you’re interested in seeing them. Wouldn’t need so much space!

  18. Sithlordbelichick

    When you first say the halo boards where you paralyzed? Dumbstruck?

  19. leaponover

    Looks great. I don’t think this is an NHL decision though. Seems like an arena decision.

  20. Additional-Rhubarb-8

    Most interesting part of this is that it came from south Dakota…. weird

  21. Existing-Stranger632

    Cool for basketball. Not on brand for the nhl imo

  22. moomoomilk7

    At least now I somewhat know how long it is if I roll it out flat 

  23. Impressive but it serves the arena for concert events more than sporting events I’d say

  24. Snow-Wraith

    Bring back the classic score boards with the incandescent lights for numbers. And bring back organists too. And remove all the shitty ads from the ice and boards. Make hockey rinks great again!

  25. bampokazoopy

    please don’t do this. please. it’s just too much.

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