@Vancouver Canucks

Luke Schenn vs David Clarkson Nov 2, 2011

Luke Schenn vs David Clarkson from the Toronto Maple Leafs at New Jersey Devils game on Nov 2, 2011.


  1. @iCoReYx 100% agreed. He doesn't bring anything to the table, puck handling skills mediocre at best, fighting sucks, can't man the PP, we need to trade him or put him on waivers. No offense to Schenn, good guy but just not gettin' er done on the ice.

  2. @iCoReYx you're clearly handicapped, Schenn flipped him over. who ever gets knocked on their ass first loses

  3. @tReilly19 i think it's whoever hits the other guy more times in the face gets the win, but just my opinion.

  4. @hockeypark yep putting schenn on waivers is genius.. why arent you an nhl gm? schenn has struggled this season but that doesnt mean hes a write off and it suprises me you knew enough about hockey to get to this video. When schenn was devoloping through jr who ever said he would be a offensive defenseman? the guy was compared to scott stevens not bobby orr. When have you even seen Schenn on the PP? Go to your local libary to learn more about hockey and its positions thank you.

  5. @theletdown I personally think that would just be flat out stupid but your opinions the only one that matters to you. If you truely believe trading a 22 year old defenseman with no where to go but up for a 29-35 year old exiting his prime then go for it. The leafs are on a roll this season i dont understand why everyones suggesting trades all of sudden. Like whats there to gain there second in the confrence. Good things come to those who wait..

  6. @snowdog139 No joke.

    With the question floating around the league on whether those things should be mandatory, I say only those who DON'T specialize in fighting should wear 'em.

  7. I hate when players punch the other guy while he's down on the ice, unless it's Cooke or Bertuzzi they're punching

  8. bruins fan here just want to say keep it up toronto. you guys gotta make the playoffs this year. it aint right shit holes like phoenix make the playoffs while the biggest fan base in hockey gets everyone crying about schenn wearing a visor quit bitching. hes a young skilled defenseman who probably shouldnt even be fighting a bum like clarkson in the first place. are you guys gonna cry when everyone is the NHL is forced to wear a visor? maybe he doesnt want his eyes cut like pronger?

  9. @magikush We'll be seeing Boston on saturday, happy you guys beat Ottawa, can't believe we lost to them, we need Reimer back lol

  10. @HamletvsJawas Don't you get fined if you take it off? if you fell and hit your head you could die or have brain damage, i'll stick with the helmet on with a visor, why do i want to lose my sight incase i get in a fight, Clarkson doesn't make anything close to what Schenn does or on his skill level, so he doesn't care to wear a visor and all the young guys coming into the league now are wearing visors, soon it will be all visors.

  11. @sutton123454

    Schenn makes 1 million more than him. When players can make up to 7$ million in a season, I would say they make close to the same amount. Schenn does make more, but saying Clarkson doesn't make close to Schenn is stupid. Also, you clearly don't have any idea who David Clarkson actually is. ANY team in the league would love to have him on their team.

  12. @MCEYun that is tue, i'm just saying the visor debat is stupid, soon every player will have visors in the league.

  13. @MCEYun $2.6 million cap hit for his 18 points and -20 last year, yea im sure the whole league would be signing up for that

  14. @rileyBERE True, but considering Schenn is a younger player and more in-experienced he did well. And as long as Schenn had a good finish its all good.

  15. People don't like visors…commentator has a crush on Schenn after the locker room.No comments on the actual fight. Saved you from scrolling. Nothing to see here.

  16. @HamletvsJawas Don Cherry talked about a snap off visor which I think is a great idea, shit I would wear a visor if I was facing 100 mph shots by Chara and others. I have gotten a baseball in the face at around 70 mph shit hurts. But with fight i do agree its almost cheap having a visor on.

  17. I love how since he is from the West, he is automatically classified as a person who does "cattle roping and cow wrestling"….

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