@Buffalo Sabres

[sabre noise] It seems like Kevyn Adams is buying into his current top six

[sabre noise] It seems like Kevyn Adams is buying into his current top six

by seeldoger47


  1. RockyRidge510

    It’s a great group of NHL forwards that has everything…size, speed, puck carrying ability, shooting and defensive responsibility. What remains to be seen is whether the day-in, day-out effort will be there. That’s when we find out if buying out Jeff Skinner was the correct move or not, if that move doesn’t help elevate the other forwards then all we did was remove 25-30 goals from the end season result.

  2. BleezyB42o

    It seems Kevyn Adams has no choice but to buy into his top 6. Which is fine with me.

  3. Novanator33

    Im still expecting an in-season trade, kevyn just sitting on the market, waiting to see if the team can play well so guys will waive nmc’s and he wont have to overpay. We didnt spend the money we saved buying out skinner on an overpaid UFA(see Stephenson, Chandler) who will become a negative asset over time. Sometimes no move is the best move.

  4. Im ok with that. We improved our bottom 6 and if Lindy can get our top back in form, we’ll be looking pretty good. It still wouldnt surprise me to see a late trade though.

  5. Why_So-Serious

    We don’t have to move. We have Top6 that others would love to have.

    The beautiful thing is the kids are still young with team friendly contracts. Especially in a growing cap scenario.

    So here is what’s going to happen. Lindy is going to push these kids and try to untap their potential.

    If folks don’t click, step up and get with the program they have great trade value.If we trade a relatively young, high drafted highly regarded player in our Top6 into a trade we can package and get just about anyone we want.

    KA is smart to not smell desperate and sell cheap.

    If Tage doesn’t work out with Lindy for example. What does a Tage/Kulich package get? Probably a fuck ton back.

    Let’s see who steps up with Lindy. If All 6 step up, we’re golden. That’s unlikely. So throwing In Cousins into a package would get us anyone we want back. We have the leverage and the Power if we use it.

    We don’t have to get bent over. We’re not desperate to make a move for the sake of making a move.

  6. the_missing_worker

    Forget about all that. Where’s the UPL contract Kevyn?


    Unpopular opinion – the Sabres, despite improving their bottom 6, haven’t done enough to make the playoffs. East is so strong.

  8. Panarin10

    If the Sabres don’t trade for an impact top 6 forward and don’t make the playoffs in 2024-25, KA should be fired.

  9. hawkayecarumba


    I get it. Our hands are pretty much tied at this point. We aren’t attracting any big name FA, and players with no trade clauses aren’t waiving them for Buffalo.

    But when your top 6 consists of a group of guys who went on the record at the end of the season, essentially saying that they needed to try harder, it doesn’t invoke a ton of confidence.

    I guess they’re really banking on injuries having been a huge factor, and Lindy being able to whip these guys into shape.

    I just wish that it didn’t seem like there was so much complacency.

  10. StartButtonPress

    I respect GMKA much more after this off-season. So many teams have out insane contracts both term and length. Meanwhile, our team is a complete team with an identity. Fast. Attack.

    I am open to trading for Konecny for 1 year or Zegras for 2. I am not open to getting Farabee at 5x$5. The cost would be too high for a player to lock our top six with someone who is fringe top six, at best.

    Getting Farabee pretty much means we have to trade Kulich, which would be a mistake. We need a right dot sniper. I suppose we could also turn around and trade Farabee again in a year or two.

    I understand why people are more pessimistic before this season than last, but I do not think it’s warranted. This season is going to be awesome.

  11. onion1313

    seems like Kevyn Adams is buying into missing the playoffs again

  12. bustthelease

    Adams is patient. We can start the season and wait for the early season trade candidates. It happens every season.

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