@Columbus Blue Jackets

Hedger has made it clear he is not happy

He also wrote a big dispatch article basically saying “well, we hired this guy, here’s why we should have hired McClellan.”

Portzline basically refuted half the things he was posting about last week on his podcast pretty directly —

Like is he just salty he doesn’t have his inside sources anymore? His entire job seems to be to shit on the team he reports now.

by Seattlekrakenlegend


  1. Hedger blows. Perhaps he’d be better off back in the Windy City.

  2. NontransferableApe

    Hedger’s a box of rocks who’s quite frankly one of the worst reporters of I’ve ever seen

  3. I love how Waddell’s entire tenure so far has pissed him off. Good.

  4. Andypants_

    I’m shocked a national reporter didn’t manage to preemptively scoop Brian Hedger’s own hot take and quote him before he even posted it!

  5. Hedger gets worse and worse every week. Dude seems to hate the fanbase, hate half the players and now hates the front office.

  6. Chumpback

    Hedger is insufferable. I have never been able to stand the guy. He’s like a lost puppy without Jarmo

  7. DarkandStormy614

    He can’t count either. Fifth since the covid season?

    Larsen, Babcock, Vincent, Evason.

  8. JAT_Cbus1080

    Is his argument that the team should’ve kept longer any of the previous coaches who weren’t working out, or is he simply complaining and saying “fuck, you guys suck.”

    I don’t know which one makes him look like more of an asshole.

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