@Anaheim Ducks

Off-season debate: These jerseys would’ve been our permanent kits and we would’ve never rebranded had we won a cup during the mid 2010’s playoff run.

These jerseys were undoubtedly the face of our franchise at the time of our playoff run, and the fans were not as insistent on ownership to rebrand during the playoff years due to their consistent playoff appearances. This wasn’t until the team started tanking and fans shifted their focus to having the team rebrand to the mighty ducks logo. (And for the fans ready to protest that they want the OG colors back, I am not part of the front office.)

by General-Order66

1 Comment

  1. Financial_Bird_7717

    That’s like arguing they wouldn’t have dropped the mighty if the Ducks won in 2003 when that was inevitable with the sale of the team.

    Ducks actually won the cup in 2007 and they still switched to the webfoot full time within 7 years of winning the cup because the 2007 era kits were just awful and the webfoot was a significant improvement.

    The webfoot would have inevitably been rebranded regardless if they won a cup in the second half of 2010s because that’s *always* been demanded by the fans of the team and the NHL overall. Fans didn’t just suddenly demand the mighty logo to return the last few years. Fans have been demanding the mighty logo return for well over a decade, it only just ratcheted up in recent years because they began to reincorporate the old branding with new merchandise and the alternate sweaters gave fans hope and acted as a catalyst—it had nothing to do with team performance. The rebranding itself was something like a 4 year process if I remember correctly. This was planned.

    For comparison, the Kings won their only two cups during that same era and yet they still rebranded at the same exact time as the Ducks. Cup wins don’t determine branding decisions.

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