
“A Letter to Hockey” by Joe Pavelski

From Joe’s latest instagram post

by yesBISONsey


  1. yesBISONsey

    I guess I didn’t realize I was scheduled to cry today at work 😭

  2. Really wishing I checked if I had any tissues before reading this, not after. Gonna miss ya Pavs

  3. harralexa1993

    The truest example of “gentleman of the game”.

  4. ACivilDad

    Jim Nill and Mike Greer about to be fighting over him like divorced parents lol.

  5. WintAndKidd

    Seems like the perfect candidate for transitioning into management

  6. therealphoodie

    The end of an era. Hard to believe that Marleau, Thornton, **and** Pavelski have all retired now. It felt like they would be playing in the league forever

  7. So much respect for Joe. A low draft pick that worked his arse off to make it. Sad that he didn’t win his Stanley Cup, but a hell of a career.

  8. BillThePsycho

    God I still can’t accept that he’s gone.

    He truly was The Guy.

    So, Dallas, we all gonna get some drinks tonight for our boy?

  9. danieldeceuster

    I saw someone online the other day saying if he had won the Cup in both San Jose and Dallas that he would be a lock for the Hall of Fame. Seemed weird to me. An individual player can’t win a Cup on his own, very much a team accomplishment. And when you think about it…Pavs made it to Game 6 of the SCF with both franchises.

    A couple more wins there and he goes from fringe chance to solid lock? I don’t think Cup wins should be such a big contributing factor, but I’m a Sharks fan so I just hope he gets in.

  10. refrigerator-dad

    anyone got a link to a mash up of some of pavelski’s masterful redirecting/deflection goals? always loved watching him play and catching him doing that!

  11. Normal_Tip7228

    love that dude, wish him the best

  12. Stick taps.

    Guy was an Avs killer, but nothing but respect.

  13. BanxDaMoose

    That G7 comeback against Vegas… I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a team rally behind a guy that hard, speaks volumes to who Joe is

  14. IronyHurts

    I always respected Joe because he seemed to be more than the sum of his skills. He wasn’t the best skater, shooter, etc. but he found ways to get the work done by hard work and determination. As a stars fan, I always felt like Joe was a shark through and through and we were just getting the tail end of his career, but after a tough first year he really contributed a lot and sharks fans may hate it but I came to really feel like he was a star and he never rested on just providing leadership. He could play right ’til the end. I know I’m rambling, but yeah, Pavs was a stud and both franchises will miss him.

  15. So well said and articulated. stick taps for pavs!

  16. N8Dawg2408

    Stand up guy and s Great player 🔥. Another that helped put American hockey on the map hell of a Career. Yes no championship but still a Career to be proud of and one anyone should be not jealous of but to strive for.

  17. Ben_Pharten

    “Da game is played on ice, eh? Ya gotta shoot to score, my friends. Thanks ya all!”

  18. exileondaytonst

    This man deserved a Cup like no one else

  19. STLBooze3

    One of the great American players. Even though he was always in the west competing against the Blues, it’s sad to see him not lift the cup.

  20. I was so convinced Dallas was going to win the West this year. Brutal 1st & 2nd rounds.

  21. warh0g-927

    I misread the title as “A letter to Pavelski” hehe. Would have liked to see him hoist the cup once.

  22. the_last_third

    There are players that have their name on the Stanley Cup that are not very well respected for whatever reason . . .length of career and/or the play on the ice or just not nice people. Then there is Joe Pavelski, a guy that doesn’t have his name on the Cup, yet is almost universally admired and respected. He is the role model of what a player/captain should be and he gave the NHL all he could give.

  23. Boring_Pace5158

    I was just looking at his numbers, and I wish he can play 1 more season, because he’s at 476 goals. So close to 500.

  24. CabbageStockExchange

    Great steward of the game. Stick taps for an excellent career

  25. K0tnKandy-69

    The Big Pavelski was a annoying Duck killer his entire career. I admire his ability but hated seeing him on the ice. Wish he was on my team. Go easy Joe.

  26. Serious Class. As a long time Jets fan you were a worthy opponent and I wish you all the very best. Enjoy the Golf course and now maybe work on your putting. ⛳️😎

  27. IShiddedMyPantaloons

    Man I’ll be really sad if Pavs doesn’t transition into management/coaching for Dallas.

    We could really benefit from his hockey IQ

  28. reportedbymom

    Joe, you are one of the 3 players in my lifetime, together with Kurri and Datsuyk, that i always moved up to the first line in NHL games since NHL 95.

  29. TheMunstacat920

    Absolute class act. Didn’t always like who he played for but could never hate the player. Hockey is better with him in it.

  30. Mr-Dicklesworth

    Such a shame him, Marleau, Thornton and Couture could just never get over the hump for the Sharks. They gave literally everything they had every playoffs; but management was just incapable of putting together a complete team around those guys. They were my fave team in the west and I’d root for them every year during those glory days; since they were super similar to the Rangers in our insane regular seasons and playoff misery lmao

  31. VGK9Logan

    Pavelskis come so close so many times. What if dallas wins it next year, pavelski will be sick, but also happy for them

  32. sixsixeightsix

    Pavs has been my favorite non-home team player since I first saw him play. 😭

  33. As much as I can’t stand the Sharks they had solid players, especially during the battle of King of CA era ( 2011-2016) it’s mind-boggling they didn’t win a cup in the 2010s decade. Poor Joe he definitely deserved a cup.

  34. Hockeydud82

    “I guess the theme is, my career was made better not by individual achievements, but by all the people who I got to share it with.” – Joe Pavelski with incredible perspective.

    Great player, better person.

  35. inalasahl

    I truly believe that if Joe Pavelski hadn’t been on that Stars team, the Kraken go to round 3. He was by far and away the Stars’ best player that round.

  36. Kind of awkward that the stars just signed the person who knocked him out in the second part of that story.

    Oh Dallas 🤷🏻‍♂️

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