@National Hockey League

Oilers hire Stan Bowman as GM

Not an Oilers fan but I was cheering for them in the playoffs. This makes it hard for me to root for them in the future. Thoughts?

by leff1902


  1. JoeReekie69420

    Oilers fan here and this is just embarrassing

  2. archasaurus

    No way, the island of damaged goods hire Stan? I, for one, am shocked.

  3. noblazinjusthazin

    Yikes, way to make Chiarelli look good

  4. DontToewsM3Bro

    NHL is a fucking joke

    Not surprising though

  5. Striking_Economy5049

    Gross organization makes gross move.

    Who didn’t see this coming?

  6. It’s baffling to me that anyone would even consider him, let alone actually hire him. Baggage aside, he inherited a hall of fame core of players that any semi competent GM could have won with. If his last name wasn’t Bowman he would have never failed so far upwards past the team accounting department.

  7. HitNRun1119

    It’s so blatantly obvious that there is a number of sports franchise owners who have very little clue about what they are doing and just hire people they think is good because they are buddies or they know the same people. Rich people are weird as fuck

  8. Might as well hire Quennville now to complete the “dynasty”

  9. Jesus. Prayers to everybody in that organization, it’s not fun working for people like him

  10. MrCanadaGuy

    I want to be able to cheer for the Oilers so bad after the Leafs inevitably get eliminated first round but these moves really make it hard. Just waiting for the Oil to sign Nichushkin to league minimum after he gets cleared…

  11. Oilers fan. Can’t justify or defend this. Make it known that this was a bad choice. Please get the media talking about this. Get Bowman out of the NHL. this is disgusting.

  12. CryptoMemesLOL


    I seriously hope the backlash is so big they have to remove him like Babcock

  13. DangerBay2015

    Hmm. Guess they had to burn off all the positive vibes they got making it to the final?

  14. shanster925

    Turns out if you throw money at a problem and then wait 2 years, you’re good

  15. Practical_Papaya7142

    Such a bad hire, they were having a good off-season too.

    Optics are terrible and don’t think he’s a good evaluator of talent. Inherited a great core and did hit on a couple of trades/signings earlier, but that was probably insight from Scotty.

  16. At this point just hire Quenneville, Babcock and the 5 Team Canada junior players, they are all available.

  17. NoPermission4704

    Now they just need to bring in Carter Hart to shore up the goaltending position

  18. “The executive carousel goes ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round…”. FFS people want shit to change but then keep choosing leaders who have no desire to change at their level. Gross on so many levels and it comes across as sheer nepotism; like he’s banking on Scotty Bowman’s good name.

  19. Guess I’m not supporting the Oilers anymore. Trash move.

  20. Hungry_Definition450

    Oilers are now the most hated team in the NHL, slightly above the VGK.

  21. JFC the Oilers had such a good thing going.

    That’s done.

  22. Griswaldthebeaver

    Bro, they love acquiring questionable people. At some point, it has to be a cancer in that organization, right?

    Also, wtf NHL. You turn a blind eye to a leading franchise who covered player abuse, then enabled an abuser, then their punishment is they can’t work in the league for 3 FUCKING YEARS?

    I’m straight up not giving the league my money this year. DO BETTER

  23. What the hell. Why? Baggage aside he isn’t even noteworthy as a GM. Does Katz believe that only people who won the Cup as a GM between 2008 and 2011 can manage his team?

  24. Setting aside his past for a minute, sports in general REALLY need to stop passing around an old boys club. I get it’s the “safer” route, but we need more new blood with crazy ideas on how to build teams.

    I fear the day Lou finally kicks the bucket (because I’m sure he isn’t giving up power before he dies), because they’re just going to stick his son in there, who will be out to prove he isn’t the same as dad, and we’ll end up with a Hal/Hank Steinbrenner situation.

  25. caucasianally

    Perry, Kane, Bowman….

    Edmonton must be eying up Dube and Hart like infinity stones to complete their gauntlet of disgrace

  26. BurghFinsFan

    What the actual fuck are the oilers thinking? That’s just embarrassing on so many levels. Going to be a lot of pissed off fans for this one.

  27. jopcylinder

    It’s now fuck Edmonton. I feel bad for their fans and (most) of the players

  28. Technicoler

    Absolutely disgraceful. Like there aren’t a hundred other people that would relish that opportunity and deserve it. Nah, let’s give it to the guy that covered up abuse and was dismissed for that very reason in the first place! Just awful.

  29. don_johnsons_big_toe

    Sorry oilers fans, would be a realll shame if you guys shat on him every time he spoke..?:)

  30. I’m convinced Katz would rather set Rogers Place on fire than make a sensible GM hire

  31. justinkredabul

    Opening night this season, we need to make a chant to get him fired. What a joke.

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