@Vancouver Canucks

Say Oily-hoe

Say Oily-hoe

by Klunkey


  1. Having Tallon as a professional scout for the past couple of years has been a huge boon. Got to believe he’s had a lot to do with all the great budget additions lately.

  2. westleysnipez

    I disagree with the idea that Dale Tallon was the architect of the Hawks dynasty, yes he built the core, but Bowman built the depth that won the Cups. I’ll point to Dave Nonis and Mike Gillis as the Canucks example and the reason why I disagree.

    Nonis was responsible for the acquiring of the Canucks’ core, the Sedins rose to prominence in his tenure, he moved Bertuzzi for Luongo, he matched the offer sheet that would have let Kesler go to Philly, he drafted Edler, Hansen, Raymond, and Schneider, he brought up Bieksa and Burrows. The majority of the late 00s/early 10s Canucks were directly because of Nonis.

    Similarly, Tallon built the Hawks core. He got Toews, Kane, Keith, Seabrook, Sharp, and signed Hossa. The majority of the 10s Hawks were from Tallon.

    However, no one credits Nonis with the success of that era of Canucks hockey – all that praise goes to Gillis. He was the one who turned those pieces into a Cup Contender, he brought in the depth that helped the team reach the next level.

    The inverse is true for Bowman, *today* no one credits him for the success of the Hawks, and that’s because it was discovered he’s a shitty person. But if you go back to posts from 2015 through 2017, there’s not a team in the league that wouldn’t have hired Bowman in a heartbeat, there’s not a fan in the league that would have jumped for joy that he was their GM. He was the one who built out the rest of the lineup, the depth that won the Hawks 3 Cups. You don’t do that by lucking into a core, you do that by surrounding them with good depth, and good depth is exactly what Edmonton needs to win.

    I don’t believe we can have our cake and eat it, too. You can be a great GM and terrible person at the same time, just like how Bobby Hull was a fantastic hockey player and one of the shittiest people you’d ever meet. The victims have forgiven Bowman and given him the green light to be hired again, that’s enough for me.

  3. Laugh as you will, but the rumour right now is that the Oilers big-3 are all going to take rather large discounts on their next contracts, starting with Draisaitl, in order to help the team win a Cup. Would be nice if Canuck players ever got together and tried to win like that…

  4. generics_canucks_fan

    They not like us! They not like us!

  5. How do I @ someone? This fella mentioned about Dale not being a pro scout on the official Canucks website and only senior advisor when I mentioned this back in my earlier post about management.


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