@Carolina Hurricanes

How The Detroit Red Wings Got SCREWED By The NHL Draft Lottery (2020 NHL Entry Draft News & Rumours)

The Detroit Red Wings kinda got pushed over by the new 2020 NHL Draft Lottery format, which will include up to six lotteries done for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall picks in the 2020 NHL Entry Draft. The ultimate chance at Alexis Lafrenière has slipped away from the Red Wings’ grasps, as the chance of dropping down to 4th overall now presents itself as a possibility. Even worse, the possibility of very legitimate playoff-worthy teams like the Toronto Maple Leafs, Pittsburgh Penguins, Chicago Blackhawks, the Edmonton Oilers and more drafting in the top 3 has just presented itself into the picture too. It all comes off of the incorporation of the NHL play-in rounds for the 2020 Stanley Cup Playoffs, and how the losers of these play-in rounds have the chance at getting those lottery picks for the draft.

The draft is stacked with guys like Alexis Lafrenière at the top, with Quinton Byfield, Tim Stützle, Lucas Raymond, Alexander Holtz, Jamie Drysdale, Marco Rossi, Cole Perfetti, Jake Sanderson, and Yaroslav Askarov rounding out the top 10. The rest of the draft has a ton of great talent as well, like Anton Lundell, Kaiden Guhle, Dawson Mercer, Braden Schneider, Dylan Holloway, Hendrix Lapierre, Connor Zary, Justin Barron, Jack Quinn, John-Jason Peterka, William Wallinder, Rodion Amirov, Jacob Perreault, Seth Jarvis, Ty Smilanic, Jeremie Poirer, Noel Gunler, Mavrik Bourque, Lukas Reichel, Tyler Kleven, Ridly Greig, Justin Sourdif, Shakir Mukhamadullin, Jake Neighbours, Luke Tuch, Helge Grans, Jan Mysak, Michael Benning, and Antonio Stranges.

The current NHL Draft Lottery odds, go in order as the Detroit Red Wings, Ottawa Senators, San Jose Sharks (Senators), Los Angeles Kings, Anaheim Ducks, New Jersey Devils, Buffalo Sabres, Montreal Canadiens, Chicago Blackhawks, Arizona Coyotes (Devils), Minnesota Wild, Winnipeg Jets, New York Rangers, Florida Panthers, Columbus Blue Jackets, Calgary Flames, Vancouver Canucks (Devils), Nashville Predators, Toronto Maple Leafs (Hurricanes), Edmonton Oilers, New York Islanders (Senators), Dallas Stars, Carolina Hurricanes (Rangers), Pittsburgh Penguins (Wild), Philadelphia Flyers, Tampa Bay Lightning (Sharks), Colorado Avalanche, Vegas Golden Knights, Washington Capitals, St. Louis Blues, and Boston Bruins (Ducks).

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Hi. I’m “Gio Palermo”, also known as “legorocks99” (“legorocks99Gaming”, “LR99Gaming”, or “LR99”). I post video game commentaries on YouTube revolving around hockey, with a primary focus on “Vancouver Canucks”, “Montreal Canadiens”, “Detroit Red Wings”, and NHL top “prospects” topics. I enjoy making these videos and I hope that you enjoy watching them!

I am also a student at the BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment program, and this YouTube channel is an essential part of my 2020 BCIT radio portfolio.


  1. Life long wings fan. Not mad about this at all. It doesn't change anything for the wings odds overall. This is how the lottery is. It's a valid point that a good playoff team can now get a high pick, but that screws over all the nhl teams worse than that lucky team. It has happen before where the Devils finished a few points out of a playoff birth then end up with the 2nd pick overall. I think the lottery is stupid. There's plenty of history where the 1st overall pick is a dud. If a team wants to tank they will tank. It's a legit way to rebuild – get lots of picks. So trade assists for picks, fall in the standings; get high pick odds. I don't think this has stopped teams from tanking because teams tank because they trade away good players (they don't play bad for a better pick position). The lotto just makes bad teams rebuild longer if the odds don't work out for them. As for the wings, they're pick position has dropped every year the lotto has been used. I'm sure its like that for most non -playoff teams.

  2. I am pissed. My fellow Wingnuts on Twitter and a hockey forum I'm in are not happy at all. The thought of the Pens, Oilers, Hawks, or Leafs getting Lafreniere after the season I just watched (and I watched every game in their entirety) would make me throw up. It would be so discouraging.. like a whole hockey fanbase having their collective hearts break simultaneously.

    Just to correct a mistake you made, the Wings have 18.5% odds at #1, 16.5% odds at #2, and 14.4% odds at 3rd. So that actually means the Wings have 49.4% odds at a top 3 pick, 50.6% odds at 4th. I have complained that the NHLs knee jerk reaction to the Oilers multiple 1sts has lead to a lottery that doesn't perpetuate parity. It punishes teams who dont have the talent for being bad. 18.5% odds at #1 when your at the bottom of the league is a joke. I'm okay if they keep the odds the same if they bring back the rule that no team can move up more than 4 spots. I'm okay with them not bringing back the 4 spot rule if they weight the odds to favor the bottom 5 teams much more. I hate the current system. I mean hell, the Leafs had 20% odds when they won the Matthews lottery. Why keep decreasing them? 20% is bad enough. Ugh…

  3. Stupidest thing is Detroit will drop just like the last 2 seasons… 4th worst the last seasons before this season and they dropped to 6th pick and now finished worst and still will probably drop to 3 or 4… Why can't the worst team get the best player? If Detroit had Lafraniere they could pair him with Joe Veleno and see what chemistry they really have… Because they played very well together in world Juniors and they are really good friends off ice.

  4. I just dont understand how a team who gets in the playoff also gets a shot at any of the top 3 spots. Seems like they were more worried about the teams that were on the fringe or outside of the playoffs being upset they didnt get a chance at the top 3. If u r in the playoffs u have no shot, period. If this is the case, then why not have every team in the playoffs with that logic. These teams shouldnt be able to have their cake and eat it, too. How is a team, like Detroit, be able to rebuild and get back into the hunt, when everything is against them to do it? I hope like hell this doesnt get voted in by the players, because this still hasnt gone to a vote by all the players. Im sure it will, most will just see the upside and not the downside of the bottom 7 getting shit on.

  5. Why is there a Draft Lottery in the first place? If a team finishes LAST in the regular season, then this team should get the FIRST overall pick, the team with the SECOND worst record should get the SECOND overall pick and so on. This is the way the NHL draft used to work before Bettman decided to adapt this NBA format which frustrates fans and annoys general managers whose teams fall in the draft order. What makes me the most frustrated is that King Gary knows that hockey fans and GMs do not like the NHL Draft Lottery but he stubbornly refuses to return to the old system. The NFL has the traditional format of the worst team gets the first overall pick and so forth and nobody complains. Unfortunately, the NHL has arrogant Bettman to deal with so teams will continue to get screwed.

  6. The NHL Draft Lottery should be stopped, period! It is just not fair that a team which is almost in the playoffs can move up several places in the draft due to good luck from a ping pong ball. (as Carolina and Chicago have done in recent years). This is ridiculous! Hockey fans (and most General Managers) would like a draft which sense such as the last team picks first, the second last team picks second and so forth. We certainly don't want Bettman's complicated NHL Draft Lottery in which a team can suddenly vault into a high draft pick thanks to a ping pong ball. The league should go back to the draft order like it used to be – before Mr. Bettman came along.

  7. Covid cases are still rising by 20,000 per day… let that set in. I totally agree that there isn’t a basement team who more deserves the first pick than my (our) Red Wings, because the Wings won’t win the lottery and then trade his ass 8 years from then for another first round pick, like Buffalo or Ottawa or Arizona, or any of the other perpetually shitty clubs who don’t have the culture of winning that Detroit does (yes I know we’ve missed the playoffs for a few years, but that’s the organic succession of a quarter-century if success), because Yzerman will not squander a generational talent by neglecting to build a winning support group around said talent and the rest of the core, i.e. Larks, Bert, both Mo’s, Zid, Hronks, Veleno, etc. But my point is that there is a very good chance (a much better chance than the Wings currently have at A.L.) this convoluted plan the NHL has come up with never comes to fruition, and the playoffs are finally cancelled because so much of this plan is contingent on the US’s handling of the pandemic, which all but guarantees this virus to remain prevalent for dozens of months to come. LET’S GO RED WINGS! PS: there is a silver lining to the Wings dropping to the point where picking Askarov is a no-brainer. We need a franchise goalie, like every other team does, but quite more so, and one draft year, regardless of who we get in 2020, is not going to raise us out of the lottery the following year, so if we end up picking worse than third, I say grab the Rousskie, and let him do his goalie-length gestation in juniors and the American League, because even if we got Lafreniere, we’re still in the basement in 2021.

  8. Well they got screwed totally last year (8th pick when they should've had 5th), so why should we be surprised by this year? Love my Wings, but hate this lottery system.

  9. Oh freaked out! Just thinking that a team like Pittsburgh with a record of 40-23-6 could win the lottery made me want to break something, then the Nhl had the the nerve to say they did this for teams like us, like fuck off

  10. Can the Leafs win the 1st overall? They traded that 1st rd pick, but I guess it could top5 protected or something

  11. Ottawa senators have a stronger chances because two first round picks overall and that something that Detroit is going to worry about including their fans

  12. They should do away with the lottery this year as we didn’t finish the season and the worst team gets first pick then next season go back to the lottery as it will be a completed season although It will probably be condensed and everybody wins and Detroit will get first pick and the senator’s get the second and third picks of the draft

  13. Everyone was happy with this lottery format change when Edmonton was the only team sucking now that everyone’s favorites team is sucking (in leggios case, all 3) EVERYONES mad about it? Makes no sense

  14. No they really got screwed tonight. Fucking bullshit draft lottery and detroit drops to 4th. It wouldn't be so bad if the top pick wasent going to a team that will be in the new playoff format. Watch it got to chicago or Pittsburg to, Absolute joke the nhl should be embarrsed.

  15. Unfortunately, the Red Wings DID get screwed in last night's Draft Lottery. Since Detroit just had one of the worst regular seasons ever, many fans were hoping that Detroit would win the lottery last night. When Bill Daly revealed that the Red Wings would pick FOURTH overall, the disappointed look on Steve Yzerman's was tough to take. No doubt the Detroit fans were disappointed as well. Ottawa and Buffalo both dropped in their draft order as well. Making matters worse was the fact that a mystery team will now get the top pick. This is assinine! Given that this similar pattern has occurred in previous years, I think that is high time that Gary Bettman – who refuses to admit that he is ever wrong about anything – faces reality and gets rid of this ludicrous Draft Lottery! I am sure that Steve Yzerman and other General Managers who have been screwed in the past would be quick to agree. My feeling is that the NHL Draft Lottery should go – or Bettman should go!

  16. I think the nhl wanted to make it so Alexis would have a chance to be drafted to a Canadian team….or am I just a pissed wings fan?

  17. SCREWED! Will not watch rigged playoffs! Shame on the NHL! Shame on Steve Yzerman for letting this happen to my team.

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