@Toronto Maple Leafs

The Maple Leafs Have A MASSIVE Problem


Ryli |

Lakey |

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  1. What do the Leafs have to do to fix this issue? Do Canadian teams have a shot of having consistent success and or runs in the playoffs?

  2. Rob, i have a hard time listening to spectators/media/fans calling for players to take less money. Have you ever worked in to your boss and said I love it here, I'll take less money. These players should go for the bag everytime, it doesn't mean they love playing somewhere any less.

  3. Toronto is in rebuild mode
    But thought that they were in rebuild mode SINCE 1967
    Got to have some EXCUSE

  4. This video was so well put together! As a Leafs fan from Toronto I’ve been saying the same thing for years. There’s another factor that can’t be over looked. The weather. Imagine playing in a Southern NHL US State team. Less tax, less expensive, and no snow? I understand want we haven’t won a cup in 30 years. There’s too many factors of players not wanting to play here. There’s not enough benefits for them to do so. Amazing video man!

  5. Almost every province has tax credits for film & television, and I think that tax credits for hockey organizations could be possible too. Credits that could be used as additional bonus incentives for signings.

  6. You seem to assume that all players from Ontario have Toronto as their hometown team. Many players are from Ottawa or outside the GTA. Claude Giroux, for example.

  7. If anyone deserves tax breaks for work it's the construction work, the meat cutter, the guy or gal the walks up everyday to work 12+ hours a day to work for survival. Sorry but I could care less that a hockey player making 1 million less per year.

  8. The tax shit isn’t a bad thing and I wish you guys in Canada would stop trying to move your economy to be like ours. Your taxation system exists because you guys get free fucking healthcare. The cost of our healthcare is way more expensive than your tax rate. Millionaires don’t care about fucking tax rates because they’re all avoiding the tax rates by tying their money up into tax exempt assets and bank accounts. This is financial illiteracy. They’re not staying in Canada because Canada is a giant frozen suburb with a population smaller than most of our states. They come here because we are the cultural Mecca of the world. It has almost NOTHING to do with taxes and it’s normal Canadians who will get fucked over by slashing tax rates on people making over 200k

  9. Even if tarvares takes a discount, you still have no cap space since you have to extend woll (which they did) robertson and knies.

  10. The tax shit isn’t a bad thing and I wish you guys in Canada would stop trying to move your economy to be like ours. Your taxation system exists because you guys get free fucking healthcare. The cost of our healthcare is way more expensive than your tax rate. Millionaires don’t care about fucking tax rates because they’re all avoiding the tax rates by tying their money up into tax exempt assets and bank accounts. This is financial illiteracy. They’re not staying in Canada because Canada is a giant frozen suburb with a population smaller than most of our states. They come here because we are the cultural Mecca of the world. It has almost NOTHING to do with taxes and it’s normal Canadians who will get fucked over by slashing tax rates on people making over 200k. Florida isn’t a fucking paradise, Florida is collapsing faster than ever because not only is climate change buttfucking their economy which is entirely dependent on real estate, they have a governor who’s constantly passing anti lgbt bills which is pushing the businesses and families out because they don’t want to be attached to that sinking ship. The southern states are dependent on California and New York to even exist.

  11. I am sorry but this is a terrible take the money generated by a playof run doesn’t go to the peiple who wold need it

  12. Im a wings fan but i am a Canadian i was cheering my butt off for Edmonton im 25 ive never seen a Canadian team win a cup and McDavid is the best player in the world i was heartbroken when they lost that game 7 also i dont know what you are talking about the grocery prices are through the roof as is everything else the inflation in this country is insane right now brother our cost of living is ridiculous right now but great video as always

  13. I wish league adjusted salary cap based on taxes. The government is not going to stop collecting and wasting money. There are a lot of new arrivals who depend on it.

  14. trade mylander hes a defensive BUM. do not trade Mitch! its just a stupid narrative. get a goalie maybe?

  15. Maybe give teams first priority to draft players that are developed in their geographical area. That would force teams to really work on supporting hockey in their communities and fostering talent.

  16. Its an american league now👎USA Owners buy cups $$$. Our Canadian players are unpatriotic, sellouts who would rather play in america south? Others just looking for paydays and tax free states..turn this joke of a league off, stick to amatuer, OHL, AHL etc. where money hasnt ruined this game and our Canadian heritage in the process.

  17. These multi-millionaires can just shut up and pay taxes and live within their extravagant means. Stop defending millionaires from checks notes a functioning society

  18. This just sounds like a bunch of whining to me. Look at the 2010's, Chicago and LA won 5 Stanley Cups in their high taxed States of Illinois and California. GM's of Canadian teams need to do a better job with the cap.

    Also, Canadian players have a ton of tax write offs, and can lower their taxes.

  19. I think it’s a bit crazy to change the tax rate for this problem. The nhl should make it so that taxed money doesn’t count against the salary cap instead. The government already give sports teams way too many carve outs as it is.

  20. Honestly when it comes to taxes, you’re wasting your breath, this is Canada, this is a country where our “leader “expects everybody to just give a little more to cover for their debts, I’m sorry if I’m not hiding the bias in my tone but it’s very hard to be optimistic in Canada, especially in Ontario

  21. Make Canadien NHL players state TAX EXEMPT like in Florida or simply tax hockey players the same USA players from the states are taxed.
    Trade Mitch Marner to the Pens for EK65.

  22. The liberal government has not done anywhere near enough to protect everyday people, there is no "inherent" benefit to them.

  23. 1. It’s not the « toronto effect » Ottawa is in Ontario too. Is the same apply here? In Montreal, Quebec players in opposing teams always thrive.

    2. There is no « Trudeau » effect. Taxes where always high in Canada. We have social insurance.

    3. You can’t lower the taxes of the richer hockey players, it doesn’t make sense. They already rich. Also, not every player can play in USA. Place are limited.

    4. Yes you pay more taxes in Canada but your American dollar is worth 40% more here. So your cost of living is automatically less expensive than the average Canadian. Also, in the USA, you need to pay health insurance.

  24. While I enjoyed your hockey opinion, your opinion on the Liberal government shows me you are not fully researching politics before speaking. The most successful hockey states in the last 6-7 years are more right winged with their approach to government and taxation. Lower income tax and capital gains tax along with lower prices of houses and commodities, it’s a no brainer for players. The liberal government in Canada has increased taxation and desensitized businesses from investing in our economy. VOTE PP

  25. The tax argument is ridiculous. No player in the league has – or will – cite taxation as a reason they won't sign with a Canadian team. This is only speculation by analysts who make up problems for views. What we do know, is that players that sign with Canadian teams choose to do so because they like the team . If the tax effect really is a problem – and can be proven by anonymous interviews with players – then the NHL should (I know they won't but they should) step up, and introduce equalizations, so that players aren't being unfairly attracted to places like Florida when taxation rates are out of control. Players that pay less taxes pay more into an NHLPA fund, and gets distributed fairly and according to salary, across the league. League revenue also goes into this, with the intent of removing this supposed taxation issue. Not perfect, but that way, states that choose to foolishly not tax high revenues can keep doing so, and governments that (rightly and legally) tax high income earners can continue taxing the players as they normally had. Funnily enough, any player who earns league minimum is so much better off than the average person, that its hard for regular people to feel sympathy over arguments such as "oh, he wanted $6 mil but in Canada he'd only get $4 mil because of taxes." Show us the proof that this is a real issue. If it is, then let's fix it. If not, then can it.

  26. Did you really just use the one province with a flat provincial tax as a baseline for the entirety of canada…

    And then imply that the federal government has any say on a provinvial tax rate?

    While not once mentioning the federal tax… That is controlled by the feds…

    And then talk about how the liberal government kept the cost of living low….

    There is no hope

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