@Philadelphia Flyers

Wait! TK is Canadian! And he is not 35 yrs. old! This can’t be right!

Actually, this is mistake WaPo made. They posted a column that was not written yet. Not an uncommon practice with opinion columnists.

Idc about the politics. I just wanted to post something funny.

Keep it light-hearted please.

by PhilAggie1888


  1. AngledLuffa

    Also, would he even deliver PA, or would Pittsburgh votes against cancel out Philly votes?

  2. GimmickyBulb

    Blinsin’s gonna be so mad when he sees this.

  3. BanDelayEnt

    Fyi, in publishing, “TK” stands for “to come” — and is placed where something (like a photo) needs to be filled in later. I believe they use TK and not TC because there aren’t many words with TK next to each other, so it’s easier to search for than TC.

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