@St. Louis Blues

Blues tender offer sheet to Edmonton’s Broberg, Holloway

Blues tender offer sheet to Edmonton’s Broberg, Holloway

by carpedonnelly


  1. Doug woke up and chose violence. Those are sneaky offers that really handcuff Edmonton with them only being two year deals .

    Are we all but assured that Krug is done for the year at this point? 

  2. Oilers have to match at least on Broberg. These are like their only 2 young guys.

  3. carpedonnelly

    Friendly reminder that Offer Sheets are not only totally legal but also super dope

  4. investmentman19

    If either sheet is completed will these guys be UFA at the end of the 2 year deals?

  5. STLBooze3

    >>The offer to Broberg is for a two-year contract at $4,580,917 per year, the maximum offer that would require a second-round draft pick as compensation.

    >>The offer to Holloway is for a two-year contract at $2,290,457 per year, the maximum offer that would require a third-round draft pick as compensation.

    Great opportunity to build the young pool while we have the salary cap. Hope Broberg comes through

  6. CaptAmerica42

    Idk how Edmonton matches any offer knowing McJesus is up next year, and they just paid Drai.


    Dubas really helpin yall out this offseason

  8. Appropriate_Can2476

    Edmonton would need to make some moves, they are technically over the cap by like 300k, in order to match these offers

  9. CrimsonTyphoon0613

    With the Oilers cap situation we might actually get both of them. I think for sure Broberg as I doubt Edmonton can match that.

  10. PossessionRoyal4981

    Armstrong saw the hockey world’s reaction to Bowman being hired and took it upon himself to enact justice.

    Edmonton needs to find a way to retain Broberg.

  11. AutumWind0

    Fuck yes Doug! Good job fucking over Stan Bowman. Do everything to make that man suffer.

  12. time_to_go_mobile

    Lmao woke up to a little bit of trolling you love to see it

  13. lazyassedbandit

    Woah these are big balls moves by Army. Get fucked Stan Bowman

  14. ArmSteen have put their balls on the table – I’m a fan.

  15. sausagefestivities

    Can someone ELI5 how this works and what it means for the squad? I don’t want to wait for Jeremy Rutherford to explain it on the Athletic while shitting on the team at the same time

  16. BogOBones

    Wakey wakey Stan 

    Ron Caron would be proud

  17. ImitableLemon

    Oilers fan here. Fuck you that’s a good move. I’d be happy if this was the other way around lol

  18. alexgetty

    Can anyone provide some color to these guys? I can pull up the stats but what are we talking about here?

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