@Ottawa Senators

Bayview Yards & LeBreton Flats Area with CTC Overlay

Bayview Yards & LeBreton Flats Area with CTC Overlay

by OperationMajestic350


  1. OperationMajestic350

    Many of you guys asked for an overlay of Bayview as well, hope this helps.

    Yellow: NCC Land

    Blue Outlines: Land parcels. Bayview is tricky because no set boundaries have been established but CBC News did mention a 13.4 acre parcel. It would have to be built around the heritage building. Still plenty of room in my opinion.

    LeBreton (6.3 acres)
    Bayview (13.4 acres)

    CTC arena to scale. The new arena most likely won’t have the same footprint and most may be underground like the Climate Pledge Arena. This is just for a sense of scale.

  2. TeamScience79

    If the NCC screws up Lebreton (and it will be the NCC that screws this up if the deal falls apart) this makes me feel more comfortable about turning to Bayview instead.

  3. Awkward_Function_347

    Given the high importance of transit for either option, I’d be leaning towards Bayview Yards.

  4. SamSamDiscoMan

    Where’s the parking lots?

    Realistically speaking, a large number of fans will have to drive to the rink as public transport is not viable or available. Despite wanting to do what is best for the environment, unfortunately Ottawa is not as blessed as Toronto which can boast overground and underground rail, street cars and buses to help get people to and from the arena.

    All that being said, let’s get some shovels in the ground already!

  5. GunSoReal

    I always thought this was a better option, better shaped plot, more space for the site itself. Still have all the same access points.
    There is a possibility that the NCC is not the right partner. The NCC has a unique mandate and lots of red tape. Maybe a city property with federal and provincial help makes more sense. And the NCC can continue with high quality parkland and public spaces, right next to the arena because maybe that’s what they are better suited for.
    No fault or talk of failure. Just the right organizational structure.

  6. WackHeisenBauer

    Still thinking Le Breton is the best place for it. I mean the building will not be as big as CTC anyway so it’ll nestle in there nicely.

    You then develop the areas between the two stations in both direction around the new stadium so people getting off at both Bayview and Pimisi can wander through a bit of pubs and restaurants and fan stores/events to get to the game.

  7. ultrafil

    I’ll say this: I honestly think Bayview Station is far better set up to handle the amount of traffic that would come out of a major event like a Sens game or a big concert. It avoids the issue of bottlenecking foot traffic at the station for transfers to people accessing the north-south line. And the station overall just has a larger capacity. This obviously is independent of the uncertainty of whether the trains will ever actually reliably run on time.(embarrassing) without breaking down constantly (disgraceful)… But that’s another issue entirely that isn’t resolved regardless of whether the location is at Lebreton or Bayview.

    Not saying I prefer Bayview as a site to LeBreton, but honestly they feel almost interchangeable to me. They’re so close to eachother that the added distance (like 300m?) really is irrelevant.

  8. MrTheSaxMan

    It’s so inspiring to think that, in 10 or 15 years, right next to the historic Ottawa River, we could still be arguing about where to build an arena. 

  9. It would be soooo awesome for the arean to be super close to east, west and south LRT lines. Ideally the arena would be connected to the LRT directly, for those cold winter nights.

    Added bonus, lots of bike pathways there too, including the Commanda bridge. You know, for riding over to see a playoff game in spring.

  10. chronicallyunderated

    Going to say it because it’s been said before…..since the lrt is basically shite….where is the parking in lebreton? Bayview is what….1000 meters from lebreton and has twice the land available….

    NCC is a pedantic and rules driven. Dealing with the city would be less problematic than dealing with the NCC…

    My choice would be Bayview

  11. Bayview seems like a better fit, to me.

    It’s kinda the same location in the city, really. 80% of folks who live anywhere else, this shift slightly west from LeBreton is insignificant …..but Bayview today is such a shitty use of that prime geography.

    City service lots, road maintenance, old insignificant industrial buildings. This is prime PRIME real estate, that is vastly under utilized. If the city is willing to table up talks for this land, do it. ……it would be an absolute fucking shame if 30 years from now LeBreton is whatever it is, likely still being fought over by the NCC any everyone else, and Bayview is still what it is today.

    Vote: end the goat rodeo with all levels of government for LeBreton and the NCC, and negotiate full tilt with the city and secure Bayview. Tear down the old disparate industrial storage slum that’s there (some will get their back up about this, but whatever, will need to break some eggs to make this f’n omelette and nothing down there is actually significant in a meaningful historical way) and raise a beautiful new facility for everyone in the city to enjoy.

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