@National Hockey League

Dubas has made a lot of bad moves, but, in retrospect, signing Tavares might have been his worse

This isn't about the player and his production per se. Rather, about how that move really screwed the team if you look at the bigger picture. I'm not a Leafs fan, but I've always been puzzled / fascinated about how such a talented team can't get it done in the playoffs.

Tavares was an A-tier center for many years in the league and no one can really debate that. But, when you sign a big fish in free agency, you usually end up paying above market value. That created a precedent in the team where, if an A-tier player got 11M$, then their S-tier players were obviously entitled to similar or higher compensation. So, that one 11M$ contract actually turned into multiple ones in an attempt to keep their very talented core intact. But, that created huge cap problems, which then turned into depth problems on the ice. Finally, that resulted in them constantly losing in the playoffs to teams, usually less talented, but with better depth. Hockey is one of the only sports where your best players are less than half of the time on "the field" (ice in this case) so, that obviously creates a huge problem.

Everything seems to come back to signing Tavares for me. Specifically, it caused a chain of events that led to very poor cap management, which then led to poor performance in the playoffs. So, the Leafs found themselves in "limbo" with much too good of a team to rebuild but not good enough to win the cup.

I find this is a cautionary tale for any team trying artificially to push a rebuild forward through free agency. Sort of what the Red Wings did last year and what the Kings did this year. Although, I don't think they messed up quite as bad as Toronto.

by domcobb2010


  1. The_Kert

    Yeah that is basically what Dubas said himself in a recent interview, that the Tavares signing pushed up the contract demands for the rest of the core and that he had failed to foresee how much that would hurt the cap in the future.

  2. Canadianbacon87F1

    Typical leafs. Try to rush a rebuild. I know they were making the playoffs with Matthews before Jt came to Toronto, but if they just waited and signed a tier 1 defensemen or goalie. They didn’t need forward depth to push the team forward.

  3. Nightchild666

    Instead of Tavares a good goalie maybe yes…

  4. bigbeast40

    COVID also prevented the cap from rising, which I believe the leafs were planning for that rise.

  5. Accurate_Fee710

    Leafs need another rebuild ala buffalo. But with players actually wanting to come there after they get the defense and goalie talent

  6. Dull-Drawer9846

    I agree. Feel like Dubas tried to make a splash as a GM with Tavares. Could have waited a year for a deeper FA pool. Easy to say now tho

  7. Old_Willow4766

    Ya…..this ain’t it.

    Nikita Zaitsev

  8. Bearhands29

    Imo idk about the whole depth team part tho. Look at the Jets, all depth no chance in the playoffs. Arguably #1 goalie as well too.

  9. SufficientNet9227

    Leafs fan downvoting this 🤣😂🤣😂

  10. domcobb2010

    Damn I really ruffled some feathers with this one 😂 I would think Leafs fans would have more self awareness at this point

  11. 2BuckTkachuk

    Can we take a moment here to imagine a very likely scenerio where it’s like the year 2040 or something and all leafs fans have are memories of this core being perennial second round contenders. Even though I derive pleasure from this reality, that just aint right

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