@Washington Capitals

TJ Oshie Hit on Beau Bennett

TJ Oshie Hit on Beau Bennett


  1. Hundreds of other NHL players manage not to get hurt every 20 games, Beau is just straight up fragile. There's really no defending him anymore.

  2. This is a clean hit, when he "extends his arms" he is just following through. Really, these commentators are stupid as shit

  3. I have never heard a group of announcers who 1) no so little about hockey 2)whine so much in my entire life

  4. Mark, you make the most mature and reasonable comment of all. Beau is not "straight up fragile", Jackson. I would challenge any of you to put yourselves out there and take the same hit – you'd cry like two-year olds and you'd never go back. While the hit may have been "legal", it wasn't necessary for Oshie to be so deliberate and intentional (hence the penalty on Oshie!). Four feet from the boards? He knew he could hurt Beau and he did. That's just low. That wasn't "skill", it was desperate.

  5. You wanna know how classy these Pens announcers are? I was watching this game on Sportsnet with about a minute left in the game, Oshie scored the last goal. Right after the faceoff, Beagle throws a clean hit, all I heard from Paul Steigerwald was, "It's a shame Aarron Asham isn't playing anymore, he'd set Beagle straight. Remember that knockout on Beagle a few years ago, Bob?" Classy these 2 idiots are.

  6. These Pens announcers have to be 30th in the lg when it comes to announcers. These idiots can not call any Pens game down the middle. You literally bump a guy and they'll call for a 5 minute penalty. It's always funny to hear these 2 make excuses for the Pens these past 6 seasons, when the Pens have been disappointments.

  7. you dont like the way a hockey player extends his arms on a legal hit….good for you Mr. Announcer.

  8. Can someone tell me how is this legal? Because in my league they would call it boarding, and I would get a shitty 2 and 10.

  9. First off the announcer is a puss…. It's hockey… Hits happen… This is a very clean hit and yeah he extended his arms…. Um okay…. How does that make it dirty lol Bennett was just unfortunate to be in the receiving end of it… GO CAPS

  10. People act like Announcers for their team are perfect, all their doing is just sticking up for the team they love (like all announcers)

  11. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with the hit! My god! The Pens have probably the worst announcers with the Panthers. Trying to find wrong in the hit. Its hockey. Oshie finished his check, and Bennet got hurt, thats the way the game goes sometimes.

  12. i don't give a shit what this announcer likes, you are allowed to extend your arms as long as they are not to the back or face

  13. Are there any announcers left that don't blatantly root for whatever the team they're calling game for? I understand they're the Pens announcers, but the fact that nearly every home team has announcers who bitch and moan, and follow double standards in their announcing does get to me.

  14. Don't you have to extend your hands when hitting a player? Who is going to leave their hands down on their chest when hitting a player. You'd look like a lame duck if you went around hitting like that.

  15. If Bennett did this hit to Oshie, the League would suspend him for the hit, not to mention a penalty for Boarding!

  16. Of course if it was Crosby doing the hitting it would be ok. Oops forget Sissy only takes cheap shots.

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