@Buffalo Sabres

“She has NO point!” Analyzing Candace Owens DEI pilot comments and more with Roland Martin

“She has NO point!” Analyzing Candace Owens DEI pilot comments and more with Roland Martin

On The Stephen A. Smith Show, Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you’ll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day’s biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena.

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#rolandmartin #candaceowens #stephenasmith #firsttake #dei #equality #inclusion #diversity #equity


  1. Back in the Days, I hear people saying, ooh! There's a Black Doctor, I don't want him to check me, V/S can't wait, finally 🧐😳🤓🤕🤒😷🤧🤗

  2. I think the concern is if DEI is lowering the standard for diverse people to graduate.

    I have no problem with women in the military but I do have a problem with lowering the requirements for the women to join the military.

    I agree with making it easier for people with a hard time to join based on baises of others to participate equally as long as they have to do everything else equally.

  3. Let's see how things will be in 2043 when whitey is, as you said, in the minority. Hopefully, you've got true socialism by then because the working group, who come in all colors, won't be there to fund those monthly payments. Unfortunately, we can't go back in time and tell the number of people who worked, protested and marched in the 60's to put in place advancements for people of color that it will not be acknowledged or appreciated in the future. Go check out what the Supreme Court looked like when Brown vs. The Board of Education was passed. How about spending some time reaching out to the community and denouncing the black crime that's rampant in the neighborhoods, absent fathers and children left for someone else to care about. I really try to see both sides when people talk, but hanging onto "the poor me, I'm this way because of"…is beyond old! As for DEI, the best, yes, regardless of gender or race. If you want to go back and have two different lines, ok. You line up for heart surgery with the DEI group. The rest of us will look for the best WHATEVER they may look like.

  4. BLM It wasn't a real movement.
    BLM It was a bunch of LGBTQ Marxist people paid to divide American to infiltrate their ideas in the minds of American using Blacks to do its bidding. USING BLACKS just like the Demarcates…Thy use BLACKS to put themselves in power……KEEP IT REAL

  5. Stephen A… You see what the demarcates are doing, its plain…..Get blacks all "worked up" with all this fake movement stuff as though its the only thing we black are concerned about….to keep our minds off what are our real concerns…. Gas prices, Food prices, family, church….less government in our pockets….That's what we are concerned about. Stephen, don't let Rolands big boisterous mouth make you think twice about black voters swinging towards Trump…. They are not swinging towards Trump, but are swinging towards policies that really matter to them….

  6. He's NOT THE VOICE OF BLACK AMERICA…. If so the Blacks would be turning back to conservative candidates. STOP !!!!!!! He is not THE VOICE OF BLACK AMERICA

  7. And Candace said she would be scared if she saw a woman pilot knowing the person hiring her was doing so under filling a quote. THAT WAS HER POINT!!!!!!!! That is extremely different from what ROLAND IS SAYING….. Stephen…. are you hearing Roland. I know he's your friend and all but the stuff he says is so extreme and bias. Again you see with your own eyes the plight of Black Voters…..

  8. From a mathematical standpoint, I am curious what the % of women and people of color are that are in flight schools or apply to become commercial pilots? I'm not questioning the importance of equality, yet for an example, if 20% of women go to flight schools to become commercial pilots, then 40% of pilots can't be women.

  9. Roland is 100% correct about Candace Owens! She’s not smart! I would also ask what do you call a person that judges another person by the color of their skin or by their gender. Whatever your answer is, that’s Candace!

  10. Let’s talk about being qualified. Candace seems to think that because she looks Black, it qualifies her to speak about Black issues. Is she qualified?

  11. It’s not gonna be a majority of Black people in this country. You’ve been 12% of the population for decades over 1 million abortions a year and black on black murder and our cities so maybe you should focus more on those issues than worrying about white peoples supposed fear, you should be fearing, other things then white people and if you don’t like it here move

  12. One time the only person driving an 18 wheeler was a white men, driving a MCI, driving a school bus, driving a city bus.

  13. Klan-Dis-Owens and Byron Donald shame on you and your puppet masters for preaching Reich Wing Politics! Thank you Roland keep being that voice of hope and truth.

  14. Candace Owens is a plant from the right to convince blacks to vote for Trump blindly cause “the government is currupt”. Yet she never brings up pj2025


  16. That's What The Late Great Revered Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. SAID "Continent Of The Character"!!! R.I.Heavenly Peace Mr. And Mrs. Dr. Martin Luther King And Mrs. Coretta Scott King…☝🏽🖤💜🙏🏽🙌🏽✝️✨️✨️✨️☮️


  18. I will say the times I have flown and notice a black crew. Not only black, but a complete crew of black women. Talk about landing a plane. Female black pilots landed the plane so smoothly that you didn’t even feel the plane land on the runway. Folks need to stop thinking black folks aren't smart, intelligent, qualified, and present.

  19. Not for nothing but what has Candace Owens accomplished? She would have been supporting the master in the days of slavery.

  20. Candice is trying help the black folk.. instead y’all just want to hate on her just cause she’s on a different side then you are. It ain’t even about dems or reps.. we live in a world where it’s good vs evil .. she’s exposing all the currupt bs. That’s why we need her, Charlie Kirk and all these intelligent minds who are speaking up for the real working folk who truly loves this country and keeps this country going .. democrats/politicians don’t give two shits about you or your handouts! You’re brainwashed by what these evil folks are telling you.. wake the F up!!

  21. What About Her Mother F____King Position. Excuse my Language. She is Herself discounting Her own Existence. She's obviously not very intelligent to say something like this. I won't say Sellout I'll say Say Less in her case. You can be blind as a Black Person but Please Candice don't speak it out loud in person because You embarrass Yourself as being Unintelligent. I'm sad for You being used up and tossed aside regardless of who wins only to Then Come To Reality of Being USED.

  22. I think people are misunderstanding what she's saying. D.E.I is real in these present days. There are a lot of people in positions that they have no business been in and it's because of d.e.i

  23. She sounds so stupid and unreal. There are black males and female fighter pilots and she has the nerve as a person who 2:47 hasn't even graduated from college to talk about if they're educated enough when she utilize the NAACP to win her case for what discrimination and curly is nothing but a bigot is that a part of all this can of sodas sold out riding as the token in the Republican party and got the nerve to talk about dei

  24. After looking at Candice Owens life history on Wikipedia, I think she's a N-U-T-C-A-S-E extraordinaire with her hand in the pocket of the far right wing alongside Marjorie Taylor Greens & Byron Donalds..

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