@Anaheim Ducks

Phil Hulett seems to have confirmed that Gudas will be the captain

Phil Hulett seems to have confirmed that Gudas will be the captain

by tynman777


  1. fromthepacific

    Who’s getting the As? Terry and McTavish?

  2. Like it or not, I feel like it makes the most sense for where the rebuild is. Keep it warm for Leo or McT in a few years, but Gudas will wear the C for now.

  3. smoked_before_this

    Man I really did not think we would do a stop-gap Captain and even more suprised in that case that it is Gudas over Fowler. I could see the merits why for sure so not against it but interesting that the org feels this way. Guess personality wise Gudas is more of an outspoken leader while Cam is lead by example? Also think this makes a Leo captaincy more likely than McTavish now IMO because he’s old enough that they could have done it now. A stop-gap Captain is probably for Leo since he’s 2 years younger. Also this probably means Gudas will be re-signed now right?

  4. Ducksfan182

    This isn’t particularly an exciting announcement but it really does make the most sense. He’s a veteran that will stand up for the younger players and he showed up more than any other player last year (I also think he was the only positive +- player on the team last year). This will be good. Without Getzlaf I believe he will be the most equipped to mentor another player into the captaincy at the end of his contract which is only a few years away

  5. I saw this and took it more as tongue and cheek – ie somebody threw out something speculative and he just responds with ‘I’ll get to practicing just incase that comes to fruition’.

    I don’t know how it works around the team but I have a hard time believing for how tight lipped Verbeek is around news, that the radio host is both plugged in enough and yet daft enough to announce a captaincy in this manner.

  6. ChesterButternuts

    Don’t fall for the speculation.
    Its still the summer.

  7. Lemon-Accurate

    I had like 50 downvotes when I mentioned a few months ago that Gudas was the most likely pick..

  8. Cam-Dolezar

    I mean, would Hulett even know? He’s just the announcer. Either way, it’s possible Verbeek made a gigantic about face on what he said a year ago (which is possible if over the course of the year he doesn’t feel any of the kids are ready), otherwise it feels like a lot of people are going to be surprised if Gudas does not turn out to be captain. This feels like one of those situations where people are running on headlines of articles they didn’t actually bother to read.

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