@Tampa Bay Lightning

How long does Coop coach for?

How long do you think Jon Cooper coaches for? He has already accomplished a ton already. I could see a scenario where as our current core begins to retire/move on, where coop calls it quits. I could see him getting involved at the League office level.

by nautica5400


  1. qawsedrf12

    only 57

    probably will find a tipping point between coaching and announcing money

  2. eye_no_nuttin

    I’m not even over all the losses yet, Stammer,Sergy … I don’t need more anxiety thinking about this… 🤣🙄😔

  3. Probably a few more years when we have to rebuild. If we keep Kuch for life, that’s probably not for a little while.

    I don’t think Coop wants to coach a rebuilding team and I don’t blame him. He’s already got a hall of fame resume.

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