@Buffalo Sabres

RIP Johnny G

by dshruba420


  1. Schmittykins

    This is unbelievably sad. A day before their sister’s wedding.

    Hockey lost one of their own, but the Gaudreau family has lost so much more.

    I am not a praying man, but my thoughts, respects, and deepest condolences are with the CBJ fanbase and the Gaudreau family today.

    What an awful tragedy for anyone to endure.

  2. jackburtonsnakeplskn

    Fucking nightmare, be kind to each other, tell your friends and family you love them every chance you get

  3. ToroMeBorro

    Woof. Two brothers dead the day before their sister’s wedding. Absolutely crushing.

  4. BBBDDD79

    This is a sad sad reminder, if you are going to drink.. please don’t drive.

  5. beeryetd

    2 kids under 2, just terrible all the way around

  6. CreepyLurker22

    Wow! Can someone tell me what happened?

  7. Freeyourmind917

    Such a sad, avoidable story. Share the road people.

  8. Atty_for_hire

    I fucking hate this. Needless death. I ride my bike to work and I live with the constant reminder that some drunk or just an asshole in a car can make a bad or intentional decision that costs me my life. For those reading this, be kinder to others on the road. Especially to vulnerable road users like cyclists and pedestrians.

  9. Responsible-Heart-74

    We’ve lost two players in three years, plus the 20+ year voice of the Browns has to step down due to his aggressive leukemia coming back. This is devastating.

    Hug an Ohioan today, y’all.

  10. If you drink and you get behind the wheel, I cannot say this strongly enough, FUCK YOU.

    What an absolute heartbreaker for a whole family and the entire community.

  11. CaresAboutYou

    jesus this is fucking me up. ever since i had two kids of my own anytime i hear stories of anything happening to kids or to parents of young kids it just destroys me. the fact that it’s both him *and* his brother right before their sister’s wedding is unfathomable.

  12. Hotpasta1985

    I really was at a loss for words when I read this story. So sad

  13. MyZhitnikDontSmehlik

    Saw him score the winning goal in OT back in 2018 when he was with Calgary – RIP

  14. Figran_D

    So sad.

    Still so much work for automobile engineers to make improvements in safety. They have added a ton of safety but also added computer screens in cars that add to distraction. I encourage every engineer out there to keep working hard to help.

    And FFS can we all stop driving after drinking. I hope this driver is used as an example and spends plenty of time behind bars.

  15. I am really touched by this, being hockey fan and cyclist myself. This could have been avoided..

  16. mykisscool

    Dude was just riding his bike with his brother. Far too many impatient drivers out there — and you’d think by now we would know better that we should never get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol. So easily avoidable … beyond tragic. This poor family ….

  17. silentkiller082

    I hate how all the articles call this an accident. No one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle accidently intoxicated. I have zero respect or tolerance for people who drive drunk. The person who did this does not deserve a second of freedom ever again. RIP and condolences to that entire family, it’s just awful all around.

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