@Philadelphia Flyers

DONT DRIVE DRUNK. Never could have imagined this would be the last pic I’d have of Johnny Hockey.

DONT DRIVE DRUNK. Never could have imagined this would be the last pic I’d have of Johnny Hockey.

by AWL10X


  1. Dr_A_Kreiger

    In a world where Uber/Lyft/taxi services exist and are very readily available there is zero reason to ever have to drive drunk. I hope that driver rots in prison for the rest of his life (along with any other drunk driver that kills someone). The may he Roast in Piss in the afterlife.

  2. ALittleBirdie117

    This is so brutal man. I still have bitterness at Chuck Fletcher for not signing the likable local boy in Free Agency but events like this truly put things in perspective. RIP Johnny and Matthew. Was always a huge fan. Feel for the family, unimaginable.

  3. He was such a good player and it makes me sad to hear this news. My girlfriend is a CBJ fan and we went to the game in April when the Flyers were in town, he had two assists in the game and it was super cool to see him play. Feeling for all of those fans in Columbus right now, first Mattis Kivlenieks and now this. I can’t imagine how they feel right now.

  4. ZarosGuardian

    Rest in peace Johnny and Matthew. Just absolutely heart-rendingly depressing.

  5. Absolutely heartbreaking, the whole story.

    We need to do more to punish reckless driving – drunk or not – and protect cyclists.

    Too much tragedy this summer from fully preventable situations.

  6. It’s more than just driving drunk. Don’t drive like a selfish a-hole. Respect that there are other people using the roads and that your vehicle has the capability to easily kill them. Drive the speed limit. Stay in your lane. And pay attention.

  7. I am beyond angry/disgusted by the slimeball that murdered two men and changed hundreds of lives.

  8. I feel for the family and I understand all too well what they’re going through. My family has lost two people as a direct result of drunk driving, Johnny and Matt death’s both hit me extremely hard. Just get an uber or call a friend it’s not worth someone dying. For the love of god I say again, it isn’t worth someone dying, call someone or get an uber.

  9. ichTuDirWeh_12

    It’s probably the only picture you have of him. But hey, good job trying to make his death about you, pal.

  10. Fuck drunk drivers. It’s so easy to not drive drunk

  11. ThadTheImpalzord

    Lock their murderer up for the rest of his life. Actions have consequences

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