@Nashville Predators

A Hater’s Guide to the 2024-25 NHL Season – On the Forecheck

A Hater’s Guide to the 2024-25 NHL Season – On the Forecheck

by saxmaverick


  1. hacksawl_goodman

    Vote to make this thumbnail a sub flair

  2. Certain-Highlight-50

    Where was Fabro when all this trading was happening…

  3. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    This is peak content. I appreciate the added disclaimer to not hate the ducks guy because I genuinely hated him for a moment.

    Fuck Corey Perry…. But also….. I love the Stanley Cup Curse and want that to continue and be a reason why McDavid doesn’t win a cup in EDM. Would be oh so juicy.

  4. This article absolutely delighted me 🤣 The type of hatred breakdown is the most. I do disagree about wishing Asky the best though. I am choosing to hold a grudge and I will fly my ass back to Bridgie from Orange County to tell him that in person if I find out he’s starting for San Jose in our barn!

    Asky!! Asky!! You suck!! It’s all your fault!!

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