@Vancouver Canucks

Can J.T. Miller become the second Canuck in franchise history to have two 100+ point seasons?

Can J.T. Miller become the second Canuck in franchise history to have two 100+ point seasons?

by passittobulis


  1. ObiWangJabroni

    Can he? Yes.

    But WILL he…? Also Yes.

  2. HanSolo5643

    I think he can for a couple of reasons.

    1. With new voices in charge of the power play, that could mean more points on the power play, which will help.

    2. A healthy Pettersson could help as well. You pair a healthy Pettersson and a power play that should be better, then I don’t see J.T. Miller can’t reach 100 points again.

  3. OnTopSoBelow

    Think he will be the third cuz I personally have Petey beating him to it

  4. CapnPositivity

    JT is a franchise player for the Canucks

  5. Successful-Plan114

    He’s going back to back to back 

  6. Just-Fly-1150

    I think it will be Petey that claims this distinction this year. Miller could absolutely do it too though.

  7. captaindingus93

    JT is a goddamn animal and I fully believe he can hit 100+ points again. Dude is the most underrated player in the league. Who else scores over 100 point, kills penalties, feasts on the powerplay, lays devastating hits and will fight anyone anytime? I hope Canuck fans realize how lucky we are to have this guy on our roster

  8. Absolutely. I mean, he could have already been in that category, he got 99 points two seasons ago

  9. Stinky_Toes12

    Would he be the first to get 2 consecutive 100 point seasons or did bure beat him to it

  10. MooreGold

    It’s crazy (and kind of sad) that both Sedins, and Naslund each only had a single 100 point season

  11. decentish36

    Only if Pettersson doesn’t do it first.

  12. Dtron1987

    We’ve come a long way from the pumpkin patch. Yes he can!

  13. DisplacedNovaScotian

    Oh, most indubitably. He basically almost got there already, considering he had a 99 point season. He probably has many more years with us, and my guess is he gets there either this year or next.

  14. xtothewhy

    He’s like Trevor Linden with more superpowers.

  15. Alextryingforgrate

    We will chant his name to the rafters and until our heads explode to make sure MrMiller gets his 100pts season.

  16. Hope they do the JT! Miller! Chants this year

  17. 2BFrank69

    If he stays healthy, yes. Guys a beast and always trying

  18. MooreGold

    Daniel would have done it if he hadn’t broken his foot in 2009-10. His PPG for the season would have him at 110.

    Then he got 104 in 10-11

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