@National Hockey League

Guardian Caps make football safer. Will you see them in NHL games?

by yupkime


  1. CamBlapBlap

    Gary Bettman and the NHL continue to denie CTE is caused by concussions. This will never happen as long as Gary is in charge.

  2. iamonewhoami

    Sounds like a great idea. I’m all for providing safety to players and not hampering defensive players abilities to defend.

  3. SelfRape

    No. Helmets are getting better and better every year.

  4. They should just remove helmets altogether and make the ice out of softer material. It would solve everything.

  5. Gabaghoul8

    Yeah, but just screw realism and keep them looking how they have looked in video games. They do just look dorky but the players lives obviously count more.

  6. TheBigMotherFook

    I feel like having full face masks/cages would yield a lot better results than this thing.

  7. NFL Tackle by leading with their head, NHL Avoids Head contact & rarely does any happen. So NO, don’t expect it to happen any time soon.

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