
Pierre-Luc Dubois talks about his struggles with the Kings (translated from French)

Interview by La Presse and shared by @TheBannermenPod on Twitter

by ZiggyPalffyLA


  1. 72athansiou

    No offense to Dubios, but you would think you would put more effort in no matter the situation and where you fit. The team just signed you to 8 years they obviously want you.

    Seeing how this is his 4th team at 25-26 and 3rd overall it’s probably a idk maybe a Dubois thing.

  2. What a coincidence that PLD is the one who couldn’t get acclimated. Danault, Fiala and Arvidsson didn’t have any of these issues

  3. Prison-Date-Mike

    Is this 4 off-seasons in a row now? Get your shit together dumbass

  4. HerrHamil

    “I didn’t know what was expected of me” says the player who signed a 70 MM$ contract.

  5. RoyalJasper

    “I didn’t really know what was expected of me.” Oof that’s a frightening statement for caps fans to read.

  6. NathanGa

    How the hell can someone who had the same ups-and-downs under John Tortorella make it sound like it’s an issue of clear expectations? I can’t think of a more direct coach than him, yet we saw the same thing.

    I wonder what the lowest common denominator is.

  7. bforce1313

    Sounds like he was confused to the role or system they wanted him to play?

    The way he talks about it, they weren’t willing to give him one on one time to get the details of his role or the system and expected him to pick it up from the collective teachings or exercises.
    Then in games he was asking too many questions about where he should be, what he should be doing etc. If that’s the case then I get it. If I’m learning something and I don’t pick it up right away then I might need some one on one time to really understand what’s being asked of me.

    If anything this comes off bad on both him and LA at least to me. You signed the player to a lengthy contract, why not get him some extra skills coach or something to help him fit in and carve out his role in the system? Maybe it was effort and PLD didn’t want extra practice, who knows. It tracks. But if you’re LA why not try before simply cap dumping a dude. Business wise I get it though, why be on the hook for that contract, but damn. Did you even talk in depth to the player before trading/signing him?

  8. thieflikeme

    I can’t be the only guy tired of more excuses from PLD

  9. Jason_DeHoulo

    He obviously needs to be putting in more effort, but I’m starting to think he has some significant mental health issues that no one is addressing and that he’s getting piled on for.

    I know he’s getting paid tens of millions just to slap a puck around, but it’s pretty well documented that money doesn’t solve depression/anxiety/self confidence/ whatever else kind of issues he’s dealing with.

    Might be a controversial opinion but I’m wishing the best for him and hoping he can turn it around.

    I could be wrong and maybe he really did just phone it in after his new contact, but I’d rather me be wrong and look like an idiot for defending him than if I were right, have nobody help him on his journey and have him flame out into obscurity and ridicule for the rest of his life.

  10. I am still baffled by Washington’s willingness to take this contract.

  11. Plastic_Brick_1060

    It doesn’t sound like he’s too enamored with hockey, at least at the moment. He’s thinking about pleasing others, making sure he’s got the system down, like at some point he’s gotta just go play. He’s huge and fast and can score while making millions, go enjoy that shit and the rest will come

  12. Strypes4686

    On one hand it sucks for PLD…. On the other hand the man is good 50-60 points getting paid north of 8 Million and will be on his 4th team in 8 years.

    I Think we see the issue.

  13. chssucks97

    Bro really wants us to play him a song on the worlds smallest violin lmao

  14. resumethegloom

    Local man who thinks everyone else is the problem continues to be oblivious to the common denominator.

  15. NontransferableApe

    Torts is one of the few coaches who doesnt deal in grey area and tells you how it is. But you couldn’t work with him either

  16. MyFruitPies

    I wonder how many picks will be traded to move this guy around the league before the end of this contract

  17. Dont_Toews_Me_Bro

    This dude loves being a hockey player but doesn’t love the game of hockey. He has the physical tools to be a top 10 C in the league and the work ethic of a college player that’s only there for the pussy.

    What a waste

  18. tdbauer97

    Bye Felicia.

    Lazy, selfish players always talk like this. “I need to know my role, I need clear instructions!”

    What a fucking buffoon.

  19. Kingzton28

    See most people here are as smart as Blake, the Kings couldn’t make a decision on what position they wanted him to play the whole year. They couldn’t decide how they wanted him to play, they put him with players that didn’t mesh with his style of play, you have Fiala with the puck all day and is a distributor and then act like PLD is a sniper, he’s not. He wasn’t a 3rd line shutdown defender ever. It isn’t rocket science, they got him and then realized he didn’t fit with how they play at all. That’s not his fault it’s a GM that forced a big trade, to make it look like he was doing something.

    I’m glad the guy is gone, but you can’t force a square peg in a round hole. That is on Blake and the front office completely. The old boys club need to get broken up.

  20. balaclavabaklavaa

    “I didn’t really know what was expected of me.”

    Does this include when you played for Torts in CBJ? From everything I understand, Torts makes it very clear what the expectations are for everyone.

    This sounds like a cop out.

  21. He wanted a more direct coach? But you had one in Torts and you threw a hissy fit to get out! What do you want man?

  22. Doc_1200_GO

    How has this guy already made 40M playing hockey with another 59M coming his way in the next 7 years, yikes.

  23. Fireryman

    Capitals don’t have much expectations besides give Ovechkin goals.

    So I think PLD will fit fine as a tank commander.

  24. kingwoodballs

    Flames out of:

    Columbus ✅
    Winnipeg ✅
    Los Angeles ✅

    What makes anyone think Washington will be any different?

    Needs clear instructions on how to be….
    Not only a professional hockey player.
    A NHL player…. Good night Irene.

  25. LivingMisery

    Hockey Fans: Why don’t the players speak out more, like in other sports?

    Hockey Player: Speaks his mind

    Hockey Fans: Little Bitch…


  26. McSqueezle

    He’s gonna be one of those players that floats from team to team never finding a spot or consistent production, until he’s closing-in on retirement, and then he’ll land on a contender at trade deadline and be the greatest 4th liner in the league for 2 months. He’ll play 11 playoff games, sit for 15 and will get to hold the cup 3rd (after a more important retiring legend holds it first.)

  27. EvDanger

    I think PLD needs to look at the mirror. Start there, and maybe figure out that you are the problem if it hasn’t worked out now in multiple locations.

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