@Tampa Bay Lightning

Signature ID? On a 90s jersey but have no other info

Thanks in advance!

by Ok-Mouse9992


  1. zww2000

    Did you get this signed recently? Is it on a jersey from the 1990s era?

  2. zww2000

    The 91 makes me want to say it’s stamkos. But I’ve never seen a stamkos autograph where the last bit doesn’t look almost like a Y so idk

  3. lupie89

    Steven Stamkos. Lucky auto to have!

    Early, rookie/pre-rookie, Stamkos Autos were much messier. Then he moved to a mix of his current auto and old auto, then ultimately the current one with the tail on the end. So this could have been an earlier 3rd or 4th year autograph of his.

  4. Ok-Mouse9992

    Looks like the best answer here is Stamkos, may seem obvious by the 91 but there are some inconsistencies between this signature and his typical signature so I wanted to ask. Thanks everyone for your help and if anyone has any other ideas feel free to add!

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