@Philadelphia Flyers

Eric Wellwood is the fastest. Who is the SLOWEST Flyer of all time?

Eric Wellwood is the fastest. Who is the SLOWEST Flyer of all time?

by Correct-Ad-9520


  1. Peeter_With_2_Es

    Nick Grossman. Could be unfortunately be Couturier in a couple years as well lol

  2. Thursdeh

    Only played a couple games but man Pavel Kubina was fucking slow. He’s my vote.

  3. Vinny Lecavier, Jagr, Steve Mason’s reaction time when he let that puck in from the far blue line

  4. Matty-Dingus

    Love him but gotta go Donald Brashear

  5. trypanon13

    It’s Mike Rathje. It’s not even close.

  6. Grundle___Puncher

    It’s close between Rathje and Darien Hatcher.

  7. Fearless-Ear2352

    My vote is for grossmann. Also I thought Tippett was the fastest

  8. RayRay_610

    love him, but Keith Jones would volunteer himself for this

  9. Ok-Raccoon1288

    Kjell Samuelsson- I once saw a turtle on ice beat him

  10. Torvus_742

    Garth Snow.

    You’ve gotta be slow with that 2×4 in your shirt.

  11. You can’t go wrong with either Rathje or Gill

  12. dpolidoro

    I keep picturing Streit trying to transition from backward to forward skating as he got dusted…

  13. Jimmy_October

    For 14 games it was the absolute Legend Adam Oates

    What a beauty that guy was

  14. Steppyjim

    Mike Rathje was like watching someone try to skate through a swimming pool

  15. luckytaurus

    Seems like it’ll be a tossup between Rathje and Gil.

  16. Aggressive_Use_5580

    Nick grossman, jori lehtera, Bundy, or flyers legend Vinny Lecavalier

    Edit: I forgot the speedster himself JVR, that second stint was a man in cement shoes

  17. BalancedMan420

    I think Jagr would be good here. Dude would just shield everyone and go super slow but you couldn’t stop him lol

  18. dobuwitz

    Mike Rathje is my answer for this.

    Not to sidetrack this specific voting but how are you doing the voting process? The top comment or the most voted comments?
    Also, it doesn’t help that people are putting multiple options for this. It’s supposed to be one specific player to fit each category. Putting 2+ answers in one comment doesn’t help with narrowing down who won.

    I did a manual count of upvotes on each comment for the fastest skater and Wellwood only had 119 total upvotes in the comments. Tippett had 195. Kapanen had 167. Tippett was the most upvoted answer in the comments, not Wellwood. Wellwood was the most upvoted comment, but not the most upvoted overall from the comments.

  19. givemewhiskeypls

    I’m not sure if Kjell Samuelson was actually slow or I just remember him that way because he was a giant and was always tangled up with somebody.

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