@Toronto Maple Leafs

Maple Leafs sign Max Pacioretty to PTO!

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  1. This is the wrong decision even to entertain a signing. If they can afford him but to much money is being a trudeau-freeland moment

  2. Achillies heel for those who don't know is a calender year for recovery. They grab a ligament from a corpse and replace it. If it's not taking. It's not goo's news for Max. All the best go Leafs go. P.s. Max was never an elite goal scorer. He may have had a good year or two. To me that's not elite.

  3. I watched a number of Capital games last season, and was shocked at how far down his play has become. Obviously Leafs brass did not watch any games at all. This is very bizarre, but I guess we go on good faith that he says he's 100%. If he is, then the rumoured trade of Robertson/Lilljegren to Minnesota for Middleton and a 4th rounder likely goes ahead. Max P is a roll of the dice, Leafs will either look like masterminds or total morons. Least it's just a PTO.

  4. Looks like Brad wants to have a veteran Left Winger to mentor Knies, Robertson and Cowan. This is going to be a big season for the young Left Wingers.

  5. Heโ€™s just depth dk why everyone is upset, heโ€™s on a PTO and will likely make around league min not 5-6 mill

  6. Nicky Bob can pack his bags now. He's a sign and trade as I predicted. Too small, Leafs don't need a little injury prone guy who THINKS he's a star ๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Low risk, High reward. Hope it works out, if not, as long as they don't give him a silly amount of money which I highly doubt they will, it may be very good for the core.

  8. I've been there with back issues sometimes you can't walk at all hope you get better bud also I like the hat ,now this is the wrong move this player should be retired

  9. I'm praying for healing over your back! God bless you and thank you for the excellent, and timely, content.

  10. I tweaked my back yesterday too riding my bike for the Great Cycle Challenge for sick kids with cancer in honor of my Dad. Sending younpostice healing vibes, bro๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿค˜

  11. I had achilles tendinitis in May during my Million Reasons Run for CHEO sick kids hospital here in Ottawa. It was very painful and frustrating because only time will heal it.

  12. Max will have a lot of help. We need his goals. Under 1 million Iโ€™m thinking. No big deal. Hope youโ€™re feeling better soon!

  13. Great move. Achilles injury not the same in hockey as it is in Football or basketball. After injury is healed the foot and ankle are protected by the skate boot and a lot of tape.

  14. Tthe person to sign is James Remsdedyke not Patcherretii because he is more healhty sign him to PTO because he used to play for the leafs.

  15. Maple Laughs love signing players from the infirmary.
    They never learn.

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