@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres grid day 10: Best Goalscorer

Sabres grid day 10: Best Goalscorer

by oilers-Man


  1. Idk if he’s the BEST goalscorer, but no one could score a goal the way that Maxim Afinogenov could. He was just different out there.

    Honorable mention to Satan for being the primary goalscorer when the team didn’t have a lot of firepower in the dead puck era.

  2. It’s Perreault again, with honorable mentions to Rico Martin and Danny Gare.

  3. Tsujimoto3

    I love Alexander Mogilny a lot, and he was one of my favorite players to watch of all times, but you can’t compare his 211 goals to Gilbert Perreault’s 500+.

  4. OpabiniaGlasses

    Yeah, it’s Mogilny.

    Also, why isn’t the funnest picture Jeff Skinner from Between Two Stalls? Much more appropriate than him when he was on another team

  5. ShmoopToThrill89

    The guy who won the quadruple crown, scored 76 goals and is still not in the HHOF

  6. the-pickled-rose

    It’s Moligny, but if we’re talking the goal + the celebration, it’s Afinogenov

  7. Edrueter9

    My vote is Satan despite the fact that Mogilny is the correct answer

  8. spaceskimo

    It’s Rick Martin

    Take away Mogilny’s 76 goal season and I don’t think he has as many votes. Lafontaine had 96 assists that season. That’s a big reason why Alex reached that number.

  9. 46Sabres

    I am old enough to say Rick Martin was by far the best goal scorer in franchise history

  10. TheFerricGenum

    I think it depends how you define “best”. Like, scores the most? Probably Martin then. But if you look at it as “most clutch”, because those goals matter more, then it’s Drury

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