@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres grid day 12 Best Goalie

Sabres grid day 12 Best Goalie

by oilers-Man


  1. splendid_ssbm

    Obviously it’s Hasek, and if no repeats are allowed I would say it’s Ryan Miller. Only two goalies have their numbers retired.

    See y’all tomorrow!

  2. 46Sabres

    Pretty obvious……….the Dominator

    Next category please

  3. Icommentoncrap

    Definitely The Dominator but honorable mention to Miller. Loved him carrying our team and watching him play

  4. Longjumping_Badger28

    I’m not sure we’ll ever see another like Dominik

  5. ScornfulCow

    Ryan Vinz—100% team win percentage when suited up.

  6. ebimbib

    Just skip straight to penalty killer, bro.

  7. Anyone who doesn’t say Dom should just be banned from the Reddit

  8. ScottyOnWheels

    I would make a case that hasek owns this spot on the chart for all of hockey.

  9. sumuvagum

    I know who everyone is thinking but I’d like to make an argument for dominik hasek…

  10. Tour-Quality

    Hazek certainly was the Sabres best goaltender. Maybe best of all time in NHL . Like the positive comments about Comrie. Well deserved!

    Missed comments on defenseman. No argument with Dahlin. I also have tremendous respect for Mike Ramsey. A true professional.

  11. jigglesboi

    Do we even have to do this one? Hasek by a country mile

  12. Embarrassed-Juice335

    Uh Mike Wilson duhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🤣

  13. Crand222

    If we’re not repeating it goes to Miller.

  14. Square-Wing-6273

    Because he needs a vote and I didn’t see him, Bob Sauve

  15. hoff_dave_man

    Steve Shields (best goalie in the pummeling other goalies category)

  16. thekluze

    It’s obviously Hasek, but I’d like to avoid doubles, so I petition we have RJ fill the Best square

  17. Udungoofedman

    lol why even make the post. It’s Dom and if no repeats then miller.

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