@Vegas Golden Knights

This situation is honestly so sad

Robin Lehner, the Vegas Golden Knights goaltender, did not report to the team’s training camp for the upcoming NHL season. Lehner, who has been sidelined due to injuries and ongoing issues, released a statement acknowledging his absence but provided few details. He mentioned that the reasons behind his non-participation are well-known and hinted that there are matters being worked out, though specifics remain unclear. Lehner has dealt with both physical injuries, including hip surgery, and mental health challenges throughout his career​

The Golden Knights have indicated that Lehner will not be with the team this season, which raises questions about his future with the organization and his contract status.


  1. – 50 million in debt ?
    – fraud allegations ?
    – personal bankruptcy ?
    – substance abuse ?
    – owning a reptile farm ?

    Glad that puts my problems into perspective………😅

  2. I wish him nothing but the best, mental health, addiction and more is brutal and I don't wish it on anyone. Even those I despise, when we see someone with a broken leg we know there leg hurts and we don't mess with it. You can't always see mental health issues and i know from previous substance abuse issues you learn to get good at hiding it. Look out for your friends, family and hell even your colleagues never know what's going on with them in there life. The world needs positivity. Be there for eachother!

  3. Damn… And imagine if the the golden knights didn't fully commit to Lehner but they literally traded the defending Vezina winner, Marc Andre Fleury as a salary dump of all things! To help keep Lehner on the roster? Could Vegas have won more than 1 cup?

  4. I really hope he ends up alright. I was a fan of his when he came here to Vegas and it's really sad to see what's happened in the last couple of years

  5. 🖕him.
    You play a sport for a living and get payed way more then the average dude working in a warehouse. I thought Lehner might have a point with the sabres-
    Then got to be on the islanders and knights. He’s a petulant child now,

  6. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder so Lehner was always a hero to me as a goalie myself, I always was amazed at him being mentally capable of playing in the nhl where you have to be on the entire 60 mins. Personality disorders are fucking hell on earth so I really hope Lehner can persevere.

  7. Hockey players need to stop with all the “white boy party” behavior. Pills and alcohol haven’t been cool since like 1993. All sports have a partying scene but hockey players go extra for no reason

  8. You dont accumulate FIFTY MILLIONS in dept out of no where. Guy is a train wreck and he has only himself to blame. We don't have to have empathy for every single human being on the planet, this is one that made his bed and slept in it and was perfectly fine with it, he had every chances in the world to not end up where he is now but did nothing. Sorry but i can't feel sorry for someone like that.

  9. Lehner could have been very successful , but he needed strict support. I'm not saying conservatorship but defintely more help than he got. There is a public perception problem that mental illness like his is just something that goes away on it's own, it doesn't. Kanye could have used more help as well..

  10. I'm sick of the faux-sympathy for clowns like this. Millionaire athletes who live a life off the rails. Have incredible wealth and resources for support, not to mention surrounded by intelligent coaches management agents who are trying to help. I reserve my sympathy for people given a bad shake at life, not people who find ways of messing up incredible good fortune. There's nothing "sad" about Lehner, he's just a clown who was once really good at stopping pucks.

  11. The guy is a piece of Sh(t. Why do people feel sorry for idiots like Lehner? He dug the hole he is in. Sympathy for someone who has it all, but throws it all away and uses mental problems as an excuse is pathetic.

  12. Robin Lehner was such a good story when he found his game once he left Buffalo, so sad it ended up this way

  13. If you’re already in a bad spot in life the last thing you should do is move to Las Vegas just saying

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