@Toronto Maple Leafs

Leafs Prospect Pyramid: 2019-20

*DISCLAIMER* Nick Robertson is a forward. No idea how I made that mistake. Apologies.
It’s that time of year!


  1. I gotta say, I'm really excited to see what becomes of Justin Brazeau and how this all unfolds. I've heard he's been a standout at the rookie camp. Would be quite the story in a few years time if he were to become a full-time Leaf after getting past over in three drafts, defied doubters to become a goal scorer and team captain in the OHL, to signing an AHL deal, to then earning an NHL contract.

  2. stevey dangman, yer in the big times now, bud. Workin for sportsnet and what not, right? Can't be havin light glare on your prospect pyramid there bud, this is the big show. Give yer head a shake!

  3. When you make such a mistake about a 3rd level prospect by calling him a defender, your credibility flies out the window. It leaves one thinking you really don't know what you're talking about on any of these guys. Just another bag of hot air pretending he knows what he's doing.

  4. I agree with your pyramid for the most part. But I would say Marchment should be in the 2nd tier because he is more than ready after a great showing in the Marlies playoffs and he would provide the Leafs with the sand paper they need. But who would you take out of the lineup? Marchment or Mikheyev? And Mikheyev is still a mystery…..I agree with you that Gautier will be dealt, and SDA should be in the 5th tier, has great skills but needs time to develop more and bulk up a bit. One guy you gotta watch is Engvall, he could even be in the 3rd tier already depending on how he does this year, but his size and speed makes him have a chance to crack the line up, even Bracco. Only thing is that the Leafs are loaded up front! We will see, very exciting!

  5. Wish people would read the comments first before correcting Steve about Robertson. That's all I've been reading so far. Calm down!

  6. So… who does this amazing a break down of the team for the Blackhawks? Anyone? You're teaching me more about my Girlfriend team than I know about my #1.

  7. Leafs are going to SUCK AGAIN this year, they have a crap coach, an
    incompetent GM, and tiny players that don't work hard enough. But Leafs
    fans are to dumb to see it. They will be lucky to even make the playoffs
    this year, even if they do they are built for the regular season. Tiny
    scarred players just like their GM! I think Dubus wad bullied as a kid,
    now he constructed the team filled will tiny SJW players like him. He's
    afraid of drafting MEN cuz they intimidate him so he drafts all

  8. Leafs are going to SUCK AGAIN this year, they have a crap coach, an
    incompetent GM, and tiny players that don't work hard enough. But Leafs
    fans are to dumb to see it. They will be lucky to even make the playoffs
    this year, even if they do they are built for the regular season. Tiny
    scarred players just like their GM! I think Dubus wad bullied as a kid,
    now he constructed the team filled will tiny SJW players like him. He's
    afraid of drafting MEN cuz they intimidate him so he drafts all

  9. The Leafs organization has a goalie prospect named David Ayres who might get some playing time in the NHL.

  10. I love looking at this video after the "regular season I guess" is over. The 4th teir seems to be under rated! Nick Robertson looks even better!

  11. Jeremy Bracco was not tendered a Qualifying Offer today.
    I'm a bit surprised by that.
    Bracco is only a year removed from leading the Marlies in scoring with 79 points in 75 games as a 21-22 year old.
    I assume they tried to move him during the past year or so, but again I'm surprised there were not any takers.

    Also, since it's October 2020 no one is going to watch this video or read this comment, anyway.

  12. It's interesting (And slightly sad) to watch this one year later. Sandin and Robertson have done so well, SDA to me was a great tandem with Robertson. Engvall made the team and Korshkov is lighting up the KHL during the pandemic pause. On the other hand though; Bracco gone, Timashov gone, Marchment gone. Gauthier gone, Mango gone. I'm looking forward to an updated piramid, Steve. 🙂

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