@Columbus Blue Jackets

Crowd reacts to Patrick Laine touching the puck

Crowd reacts to Patrick Laine touching the puck

by kineticmannn


  1. highvoltorb

    Laine never made a goodbye Columbus post on social media and I’m offended.

  2. tomtakespictures

    I’m sure he’s a fine dude and whatever, but I’m done thinking about him. I really liked watching him as a jacket, but I’m moving on. I’d be fine if I never see another highlight of his. I don’t know if this is misdirected, but I blame his trade on two flubbed coaching hires from Jarmo. I feel like Laine would’ve stuck around if we had a competent coaching hire post-torts.

  3. DoubleDumpsterFire

    I have nothing against Laine but man do they have a wake up call coming with him 😂

  4. Conscious-Weird5810

    I’m 100% cheering for his failure in Montreal. The team literally had to give up a 2nd rd pick bc he forced his exit from Columbus.

  5. Round_Shower6210

    He isn’t a good hockey player. Love that he is still trying to stick handle through traffic. Good luck with that Montreal.

  6. EverlastingEvening

    God some of y’all sound like a bitter ex.

  7. CBJGameWorn

    Wonder how they’ll react when he turns it over at the blue line to give up a breakaway goal.

  8. junk-trunk

    I feel for the guy and hope he gets his shit together, but sometimes I think he may have a touch of main character syndrome. sometimes I think he thinks he is more important than anyone else. If you pout and want a trade after a benching see ya I guess. Johnny took it and let it roll off his shoulders.

    eh anyhoo. hope heives his best life. he had a shit run here not all his fault. Live and let live I guess

  9. They’ll be boos soon enough. Canada is a fickle market. Hope for his mental health to be back at full strength when that day arrives.

    Until then, enjoy Patty!

  10. opensourcefranklin

    Ah the beginning of his hero ball in a new city. Enjoy Montreal, he’ll turnover the puck a lot doing what he did in this clip.

  11. NontransferableApe

    Who cares. Hes not on our team anymore

  12. Maybe it’s just the CBJ persecution complex in me, but why does it feel like we’re considered the bad guy when it comes to how Laine’s time here ended?

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