@National Hockey League

First goal ever at the Delta Center

First goal ever at the Delta Center

by Only-Reels


  1. thinjester

    Let’s fucking go Utah Hockey Clubs!

  2. dcidino

    At least is wasn’t another Soaker Own Goal like last time.

  3. drlongfinger

    It was the other team’s net, too!

  4. No_Whereas_6740

    Then the fight right after. Was having a ball. Great sport so far, loving it.

  5. SolidSnake-26

    Still can’t believe how Mickey Mouse it is they couldn’t get a team name before launching into the league. Utah blizzard would’ve been cool

  6. Utah’s first goal at the Delta Center. Kings and Vegas played a preseason game there a few years ago

  7. Time-Dot5984

    Now they scored in the other team’s net

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