@Detroit Red Wings

Training Camp Photos

Some photos I snagged during the first day of training camp. I have a bunch more to go through (like 800 more) but I’ll try and create an Imgur album to share when I’m done.

by discinfanatic


  1. Dressbeautybeauty

    this is awesome!!! as a fan i love seeing behind the scenes moments from training camp.

  2. Low-Geologist-4871

    Danielson needs to chain himself to a squat rack and eat nothing but chicken and rice next summer

  3. DifficultGoat7154

    The AT with his arms folded in pic 4 is my cousin!

  4. paradox-eater

    DeBrincat looks way better with a beard lol

  5. Has anyone seen Danielson and Zuckerberg in the same room?

  6. Thedougspot

    Does anyone know where I could purchase one of the team red practice jersey or white for that matter

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