@Toronto Maple Leafs

Toronto media is so cringe…

#hockey #torontomapleleafs #ottawasenators
Following two preseason losses to the Ottawa Senators, new head coach for the Toronto Maple Leafs was asked some hard hitting questions by the Toronto press.


  1. I hate that Calgary is doing well in the pre-season so far. It gives me a false hope when I know they are going to be a bad team this year

  2. Most of the bad teams have good young prospects fighting for jobs. Some of the good teams as well but really, it should be expected that the hungrier team is going to win a meaningless game.

  3. Preseason is for evaluation of talent. The disturbing issue in game 1 for Toronto is they did seem to play a roster of pros not young players like the Sens.

  4. Anything related to Toronto is cringe. The city, sports, politics, people. It's a shit heap, just like the hockey team.

  5. Yea as a leafs fan, the media in Toronto is just amongst the worst of the worst. They asked the dumbest questions at the worst times possible. It makes me laugh but it shows how dumb here people are

  6. i live in toronto area and a leafs fan of course..and i was like wtf when i 1st heard the post game…but today on a popular leafs podcast i heard the boys say it was asked tongue in cheek…idk..the media in the 6 are so lazy..the questions, year round, are so lacking in insight…and the players always answer by saying obviously blah blah boring

  7. …I know we don’t see her face, but why would y’all assume she wasn’t asking the question in jest? At least now we know chief ain’t got a sense of humour…

  8. The only question the toronto media should ask any of these cucks is "Why can't Auston score in the playoffs?" Because that's a question we need answered, Why is the reported "second best scorer" In the league hasn't finished outside of the bottom 50 of scorers in the playoffs once? Those are the questions people want to know.

  9. This was one reporter that nobody seems to even know. She is getting absolutely blasted by 99% of the other Toronto sports media today.

  10. Never forget my 2018-19 red wings went 4-1 in the preseason and dominated top of the league teams like the bruins and leafs, just to have one of the most disheartening seasons of Detroit sports I’ve ever watched, and that’s saying something

  11. Toronto, the mickey Mouse team of the 21 century. Should you people talk about that. Toronto media are boring.

  12. I normally won't accuse people of asking stupid questions……….But that was a MIND-BOGGLINGLY stupid question. Like, what insight does that add to any rational person's mind? Are you hoping to catch Berube slipping through sheer lack of intellectual stimulation? Or are you actually so paranoid that you genuinely believe a glorified scrimmage is indicative of performance 6-7 months down the line?

  13. Preseason means absolutely nothing. Avs in 2016-17 went undefeated in preseason then laid the biggest egg of a regular season in the modern era. 48 points.

  14. Being a leafs fan is a struggle, the fanbase and media make it harder than the playoff exits😂 Leafs could win the cup not losing a single game and the fans would still want to break up the team.

  15. It was clearly a joke from her. Fell flat, but an attempt was made. She's too used to Mr. Personality that they had there previously.

  16. If you think winning matters in preseason ganes, you don't understand why teams play preseason games.

  17. Literally said as a joke by the reporter. Leaf media really doesn't need for people to take them out of context to make them look bad. All that does is show you are in the same boat

  18. I’m not sure who asked it. But the only woman I can think of who covers the Leafs is outstanding at her job. This would be a rare misstep if it’s her in my opinion

  19. everything about the Leafs is cringe. From Matthews moustache to their unbearable fans.

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