@Winnipeg Jets

How long should Jets stick with Connor-Scheifele-Vilardi top line?

How long should Jets stick with Connor-Scheifele-Vilardi top line?

by PrarieCoastal


  1. TrueNorthStrong1898

    I’ve resigned myself to the fact that it’s going to happen, I just hope they don’t get unlimited leash when they inevitably get caved in defensively for a week staight

  2. h0twired

    Scheifele needs Ehlers. The numbers don’t lie.

  3. PleasantBreakfast978

    Scheif and Gabe look good together and think they should stick with it. It’s pretty evident that Scheif’s big on Gabe from his interview a couple weeks ago. It’d also be good for the future since Scheif can take Gabe under his wing to be a future centreman.

    I’d like for them to give Nik a shot up top. I think he brings a different dynamic in the line with his speed. I can easily see him score 30 if he stays healthy. Having said that Nik and Vladdy did look good together last night.

    I’d like to see KC with other guys to spread some offence. He seems too reliant on his linemates at times so I think it’ll be good to break them up.

  4. Matthew_Kunage

    Ehlers is desperately needed on the top line, I don’t know how the coaches haven’t noticed this yet

  5. PrarieCoastal

    It’s good omen Arniel is putting Ehlers on PP1 in the bumper spot.

  6. crippler1212

    For as long as it works…. just like any line.

    If they’re producing points and doing well on the defensive side, no reason they shouldn’t stick together, but when that isn’t happening… time to get out the old blender and mix it up.

  7. crabby_rhino

    I just want 27 to get a fair shake at the top line, and not get pushed back to the 2nd/3rd after a single mistake.

  8. whysosentitive

    Another “look at this graph” article.


  9. 1970-Mustang

    Have any of the media asked this very question?

  10. TheAsian1nvasion

    Here’s the thing: both players might be better with different groupings.

    Get Ehlers on the top line with Scheifele and they can compete with any line in the league.

    Put Connor on the wing with Lambert and Perfetti and get them out against bottom-six competition and they should be able to do very well.

    Play Scheifele against 1st line competition

    Play Lowry against second line competition

    Play Lambert against bottom six competition.

    Let Connor get his cookies on pp1.

    I think both players would be more successful apart than they are together. Lambert is faster than Scheifele so if he needs to beat a player back to cover for Connor he can do it better than Scheifele.

  11. double-k

    As long as it’s working? Don’t put a lot of stock in pre-season results.

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