@Toronto Maple Leafs

Rosie DiManno: Say what you want about Ryan Reaves. Here’s why the Maple Leafs see value in the veteran enforcer

Rosie DiManno: Say what you want about Ryan Reaves. Here’s why the Maple Leafs see value in the veteran enforcer

by bholmyard


  1. Blue_KikiT92

    Oh Rosie, can’t wait to know your take on things! You’re always so knowledgeable and objective!

  2. real_gud_pro

    Reavo gets a lot of hate on reddit. But aside from being one of the toughest SOBs in the league, when he’s on his game he’s a physical force and the opposing teams absolutely fear getting freight trained in the corners. We need more of that element.

  3. Guitar_Beard

    Rosie DiManno is still employed???????????

  4. fancypants55

    He’s the perfect 12th/13th forward. A tad overpaid but I see the value. Team had more bite last year. 

    Also I think it’s a copycat league and I expect teams to get tougher after Florida bullied everyone in the playoffs. We need guys who are willing to take on some suspensions to keep our players safe

  5. Nitroussoda

    From leading hockey insider Rosie DiManno

  6. TheOnlyRealSlim

    Reaves is basically the modern iteration of Tie Domi. Strong, violent enforcer who drives fear into the heart of the opponent. It’s a necessary component of the game, especially when you have objectively dirty players like Marchand around.

  7. n3rdsm4sh3r

    He’s the kind of player that you don’t really need, until you do, then you’re really happy you have him.

  8. CamBlapBlap

    To be fair, he had a great game last night.

  9. moebuttermaker

    Thanks Rosie, I will continue to say things like “Ryan Reaves is not any good,” and “Ryan Reaves fills an antiquated role that wasn’t worth the money he makes when it had some value thirty years ago.” He’s also like two years older than Max Pacioretty lol.

  10. richandbrilliant

    Dude cost us at least one (debatably 2) games against Boston. Playoffs are way too tight to have such net-negative players on the ice

  11. CMDR_Traf85

    He spent almost a whole pre-season game desperately trying to hit Hutson.

  12. Look. Last year he had multiple game streaks of him being a huge liability on the ice. But when he’s on, he’s on. Towards the end of the season he had some great games and so far he’s looked good this preseason. Hopefully it continues. He certainly fills a role here that we are severely lacking for years and I’m glad he’s here.

  13. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    It’s just wild to me how much this sub will talk about performance and accountability but also think Reaves should be kept on the team regardless of results & fit.

  14. billy_zef

    There is nothing wrong with his cap hit, it’s negligible. She talks about the value he brings to the team which I agree with.

    He does his job and knows his role, only in Toronto do we get articles discussing the pros and cons of a 4th line player.

  15. 39MUsTanGs

    He’s a goated locker room dj tbf. Crazy playlists.

  16. themapleleaf6ix

    Not a guy I would feel confident playing in the playoffs. Footspeed is a real issue with him.

  17. LtColumbo93

    He’s been better on the forecheck than I expected. He’s making some pretty nice plays behind the opposing net.

  18. JuicemaN16

    Article by Rosie – no thanks, waste of time to read.

    The fact she’s still employed is a miracle

  19. UnflushableNug

    Reavo gets talked a lot for his one-dimensional fighting but one thing I really noticed last year was when he was healthy and given the opportunity, his forecheck is devastating and made a noticeable difference with how opposing dmen moved the puck up ice. There were even a game where he put multiple dmen out of the game just by finishing his checks with clean contact.

  20. She’s an idiot! After two preseason losses “Is it time to panic yet” WTF

  21. Vi11agio-Xbox

    I thought he played really well yesterday. His passing was great, and he got pretty low in our own end to help move the puck out. I agree with all that’s been said regarding his forechecking too.

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