@Montreal Canadiens

Blessure sérieuse de PATRIK LAINE au genou droit; Xhekaj vient à sa défense!

Cédric Paré blesse sérieusement Patrik Laine au genou droit lors du match préparatoire entre les Maple Leafs et les Canadiens!

Arber Xhekaj vient à la défense de son coéquipier et jette les gants face à Paré!


  1. C’est officiel, comme on le savait pas déjà, la “NHL” est une ligue de polichinelles 🤡🤡🤡. Pas plus de sérieux que dans le vieux bowling dans la ville de Gagnon sur la cote nord. On commence vraiment à croire les sornettes comme quoi ça dérangeait pas les milliardaires si comme dans la NBL in n’y aurait qu’une équipe au Canada. Je sais c’est fou de croire ça hein? Un peut comme c’est fou d’arbitrer un match de la sorte et cerise sur le Sunday, on pénalise la victime, le CH et le bourreaux s’en tire à bon compte!?!?!?!?!? Oui ça mérite un grand WTF!!!

  2. Oh i cant wait until Revi get ahold of a guy who jumps his teammate from behind such a coward thing to do you want to be a toufh guy bena tough guy sont grab ahold of someine by the back of the jersey and stand up and be a man fight face to face such a bitch move lost all respect dor him he is thw new coward in town wh habs gans such class pretty typical for your franchise though and your province

  3. It's on the hitter to not make knee on knee contact here, but PL's move kinda caused this to happen. Rough start for him.

  4. As a Jets fan, seeing this hurts me so much. Laine doesn’t deserve this. He was just getting his career started again…. I hope get recovers quickly 😭

  5. Get rid of all these pre season games, Leafs line up full of AHL players that will never see a regular season game but trying to make some sort of impression. Imagine if we lost Mathews long term in a meaningless exhibition game !!. Hopefully the injury is not as bad as it looks.

  6. Dude should never have jumped him. Kind of a pussy move…. drop the gloves like a man and fight. Regardless how dirty the hit was…. he should have gave dude a chance. This was childish bs.

  7. Wveryone that says this was untentional…stop defending the leafs…he clearly extended the leg when he seen laine was getting through

  8. Laine gaining the zone with his feet about as wide apart as possible while skating into the defense is not a smart move. No surprise to see the French fans losing their minds but sorry guys he put himself in a horrible position here, I don't even know how a defender is supposed to play that. Should pare just let him go by for free?

  9. Not a Habs fan but did the Leafs player not get a penalty on the Laine hit?Idiot refs in the NHL.If they would call a penalty when one is deserved it might limit the damage later.Looked like knee/knee to me.

  10. I was pretty much on the side of accidental collision, no intent, when I first saw the play. BUT…
    The I saw a screenshot from ice level and from Laine's left and it was NOT shin on shin as people are calling it.
    AND after watching this replay over and over and over, on x0.25 speed, it's definite weird play in Pare's part.
    @0:04 Laine is about 10 feet from the blueline and this is where Pare stops his backwards momentum, stands his ground, and braces for impact.
    When Laine crosses the blueline a comes within sticks length with Pare, Pare makes ZERO attempt at poke checking the puck. Moreover it looks like he doesn't even LOOK at the puck. He's looking at Laine IMO. After this I can't tell if there was outward motion with his left knee into Laine's path. Which if so, it would be a penalty and most likely a suspension).
    Hopefully NHLPS has all the angles they need to make a good call on this. I only had one angle and one screenshot, and it looked really bad for Pare in my eyes. I wish I could post the screenshot.

  11. J'espère que ça ne sera pas encore une autre saison de misère. En tout cas, c'est bien parti pour ça. Déjà deux joueurs à l'hôpital du CH. 😔

  12. Ce sport est malade. Pire que la lutte où l'arbitre fait semblant de ne pas voir le gros méchant qui donne des coups salauds au gentil lutteur… et qui punit ensuite le gentil lutteur parce qu'il réplique. Bravo. Une autre saison aux poubelles. Une autre saison où on ne pourra pas voir nos trios auxquels on rêvait. Ahhh…. au moins, on pourra voir ce très prometteur Paquette.

    Mais pas Laine.

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