@Calgary Flames

Rebuild? REBUILT!

Rebuild? REBUILT!

by dkvjung12


  1. Chemical_Signal2753

    I’m excited with what they have shown so far, want them to continue performing well for as long as they can, but would put the probability of them making the playoffs at about 30% currently. For them to make the playoffs they likely need a ~0.560 record for the remainder of the season and I am skeptical they can play that well for that long.

    With that said, the longer they stretch out this good start the more likely the playoffs will be.

  2. flyin_italian

    Just to pump the breaks a wee bit.

    The last time the flames won 4 straight to start the season (09-10) we didn’t make the playoffs.

    Who knows, but I’m not counting any chickens for this team just yet.

  3. thuglife_7

    It jumps up to 96% if said team goes 5-0 to start a season.

  4. wurkhoarse

    4 wins is great, but my 20 game mark record i feel a better indicator for season success.

  5. Ok_Reception_4738

    Can’t we just enjoy this fun win-streak?? This team is having fun and it’s fun to watch!

    Edit: spelling

  6. Time-Technology4904

    This is all smoke and mirrors! We’re playing well, but not for a solid 60 minutes. This too shall pass and as much as it hurts to say it, wait till that early-on season loosing steak

  7. Well…I’m convinced! Plan the parade!

    Do you think Vancouver or Edmonton will win the draft lottery this year?

  8. mackharp0818

. Should have lost one in OT to up our chances

  9. Cokejunes

    Honestly, idgaf, im havin fun watching this team, realistically we are likely not making playoffs, but the way they’re playing is gonna make me tune in regardless of that

  10. PostApocRock

    100% playoff chance.

    The remaining 28.6% will come from effort and grit.

  11. Youtubeactor6473

    Man this rebuild thing was easy how is buffalo still doing this

  12. External-Quote3263

    It’s all fun and stuff
 but do we really want another first or second round exit? We have a great trajectory for the future.. let’s not be like the Canucks and go all in like last year with a shred of hope.

  13. ColdsnapX

    Blame the hot start on the injury to Rooney. With out saying it out loud, but teams look for a reason come together. Large vocals in the locker room after an injury in which there was a reason to get mad, galvanize teams. The team reacted the right way, which brought the whole team together. Will it last the whole season, who knows, you need some skill to keep it going. I am not sure who this team is yet. But Huska had them hitting everything that moved in the preseason. When they hit their first slump and how they handle that as a team will decide where we end up.

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