@Vancouver Canucks

Ray Ferraro on Pettersson/Miller battle yesterday at practice, undersized players and more

ESPN NHL Analyst Ray Ferraro joined the guys and talked about the battle between Miller and Pettersson at practice and Kiefer Sherwood’s play as a Canuck so far.


  1. On its own, I don’t mind teammates getting in each other’s faces and demanding better. But let’s not forget, JT was embarrassing himself and the team and nobody fought him. Now, he thinks he’s the team policeman. He’s like those celebrities who spent the 90s openly partying, doing drugs and making life miserable for everyone else, and now that they’ve suddenly “found God,” we’re supposed to listen to them as an authority on morality. Whatever works, I guess, but I don’t think it’s JT’s place to be criticizing anyone. He’s been great since Tocchet took over, but it wasn’t always that way.

  2. Gen z here: let’s ban plastic straws and change the name of streets and parks. That’s how we change the world.

  3. JT apparently said to Petey at practise …" you're earning 11.6 mil USD a year. Move your skinny ass and do something for F sakes." Then Petey had a tiff…

  4. I agree with Ferraro that the Petterson/Miller conflict is no different than every other hockey team, where highly competitive athletes often clash with their teammates for various reasons. But Ray is being diplomatic in not talking about the big issue facing Petterson and the Canucks, with the pressure put on him by the huge contract that I believe was a big mistake. Either Petterson starts proving that he's worth the big money and rises to the level of Miller and Hughes in scoring and assists and League Leader stats, or he won't. Every fan wants to see Petterson rise to the expectations, but I'm not convinced it will happen.

  5. It's an emotional game. I've seen best friends drop the gloves after some extra stick work sparked one of them and they were best friends afterwards.

  6. I’m sick of hearing about him. They should just trade him. We could get some pieces for him and can use the cap room honestly.

  7. Anyone who's played hockey knows it is a nonissue between teammates, but it's great for entertainment and the media…

  8. To me, this is just the natural attrition of competition and one team mate challenging the compete level of another. Bottom line is that winners don’t sulk and make excuses. Naturally, as fans we understand that players will go through hot and cold periods as far as scoring, but when you are paid a franchise player salary, at minimum the compete has to be there each and every game as your overall team success depends on it!

  9. Media loves to try to make something out of exchanges like this.. don't be fooled. Listen to Ray to get the actual story.

  10. I love how Ray asks back, cause local sports media needs to blow things up so they have things to talk about. Garland and Joshua had a bigger conflict in practice, look at them now best bud, and the best duo on the team. I don't know if it's just me, but I find a lot of useless, no value questions are being asked by Canucks media, esp Jeff Patterson, he asks stupid questions, sometimes come across like he's trying to a fuel to fire, or trying to blow things up for the team.

  11. Means pretty much nothing. Relax not even worth commenting about. Silly and ridiculous

  12. Same thing working in the film industry you gotta be able to just have a disagreement or get chewed out and then let it go right away. I bet these guys each forgot about it 5 minutes later.

  13. Miller is done with petterson doing nothing. This is pd stats since the kuzmenko trade

    52 games
    8 goals
    26 assists
    34 points

    11.6 million

    This is completely unacceptable and it’s going to ruin the core of this team. they will never win a Stanley Cup with his performance and miller knows it. His piss poor playoffs last year directly led to us losing. I’m tired of all these fans giving him a free pass. It’s not two weeks. It’s been eight months. It’s not a slump. Miller is sick of it just like anyone else that has common sense. He doesn’t deserve that contract. His point totals have been going down. It went from 102 to 89 and now he’s on pace for 41. if you don’t see a problem with this I don’t know what to say. Keep hoping that he’s just gonna magically get better. He needs to be benched and ridiculed and booed every time he touches the ice. He wanted the big boy money now he has to put on the big boy pants. It’s no one’s fault but his own.

  14. It's impossible to make Pettersson angry like when he entered the league and pundits questioned to his face if he was tough enough for the league. Many 5pt nights ensued. If Miller can get Pettersson to play angry hockey again then fine I'll say he's better than Kesler.

  15. Ray said it perfect, its not a workplace..its all male..and sometimes males do stuff like this, its what we call normal. im sure they are already over it

  16. i think for most players this would be a non-issue . with Pettersson i think this is a big deal . As a canucks fan and a fan of Pettersson ….. he comes off very sensitive . After he was only player who said he was playing injured last season/playoffs and the coach coming out and saying he wasn't injured , says a lot . This market has been handling Pettersson with kid gloves for so long . Its time for him to step up and lead this team . And by step up i mean stay on your skates , dude looks like bambi on ice half the game . always laying on the ice .

  17. Probably just a hey wake up Petty, but I am not sure that will help. When in a coma it's hard to get out. Oh poor scooter boy.

  18. Pettersson is probaly bringing the dressing room down. Trade him, if someone will take that 11.6 million.

  19. Keep petey as a nucks forever. Also lol miller and petey fighting? XD hahahahah. lol. Petey is making more money than miller

  20. It's simple, when you are practicing, there are no enemies on the ice, so you got to create some to make it a legitimate practice. Milsy doing what Milsy does. I love that guy.

  21. Petey is coasting. He didn’t come back this year stronger and heavier, it looks like he did zero training in off season. He has been lazy at practices and lazy in games. Good on JT for challenging him. Now let’s see if Petey will man up or run and cry.

  22. 1982 , 1994. Fabulous time for canucks fans , you could see , you could feel the , emotional, tough, want to play in Vancouver players. , proud of the Canuck players from the 1982 , 1994 Vancouver Canucks team , Canucks have a Stanley cup coach hopefully his players show up in the coming playoffs

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