@Ottawa Senators

Will my WORST ever MISTAKE…cost me the PODIUM in Zwift Racing League?!

In this week’s episode I look back at my WORST EVER zwift racing mistake and will it cost me a ZRL podium spot?!

0:00 Intro
1:34 First Segment/Sprint
2:52 First KOM
3:52 Closing the gap
6:04 Top of KOM
6:21 Sprint 2
6:40 KOM 2
9:03 Top of KOM 2
9:25 Sprint 3
9:49 KOM 3
11:20 Getting dropped?
11:56 Always have a plan
12:22 Empty the tank


  1. Great finish in tough conditions. I remember the ZRL race I did on Countryside Tour. I picked the gravel bike, but a couple of guys had Trons and were launching wave after wave of attacks on the tarmac…a truly horrible feeling. By the time we hit the final climb I was too wasted to benefit from the gravel bike 😂

  2. UNBELIEVABLE!!! That last dig was insane, as was your RPMs on the climb…45RPMs???? You are a machine!

  3. Great race mate, what a tough one though! I find it difficult to get motivated when the race starts so late, you did superb to hold on up that climb!

  4. Despite the bike, you earned the 3rd place. Btw, to be on level 50 means you’ve ridden over 16,700 miles on Zwift!

  5. I know literally nothing about this… but does it slow you down that it shows you riding on grass vs the dirt of the track?

  6. Well! Not sure why YouTube put this in my recommendations, but that was certainly a fun couple minutes.

    (Also, I'm getting an inkling of how insanely difficult the Tour de France must be.)

  7. Apparently running Zwift on a PC makes bike swaps sooooo much faster as there's a keyboard shortcut that immediately stops you and brings up the menu (as opposed to having to coast to a stop using the iOS or Android apps). Anyway, I wonder if a bike swap that first…or at least second time up would've helped. Or you might've just been dropped at that point. Tough to say.

    I do have a question, though…do you feel your really low cadence is a benefit or hindrance on the climbs?

  8. "But don't worry, I have got my praying mantis attacking a coat hanger in slow motion impression dialed into a T." 🤣🤣🤣 laughed my ass off . What a aprint finish! Wow. I have to say that your commentating during the course of the race is the best I have ever heard. You make us feel like we are on that bike with you. Keep these fantastic videos coming! I have a feeling you will be having thousands of followers by this time next year.

  9. Really interesting race and showed loads of tenacity. You were obviously putting out more w/kg than the other 4 on the climb but I noticed you have the lowest w/kg out of the 5 leaders (on the screen just after as you cross the line). I guess they were putting in more effort on the roads and burning lots of matches there. It'd be interesting to hear the race from their perspective and if they were dying too and regretting their choice of bike lol. Great channel BTW and I totally get the inability to sleep after a late race too….

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