@Vancouver Canucks

Behold, the Vancouver Canucks (credit to u/Galactic_Chef)

Behold, the Vancouver Canucks (credit to u/Galactic_Chef)

by Looney_forner


  1. Zastrossi

    Man, I could really go for some blue milk right now.

  2. PaperMoonShine

    It speaks to me on a spiritual level.

  3. It’s official. All these logo artists hate us.

  4. jsseven777

    This is what I picture when I imagine what an AI generated sports team logo might look like

  5. This must be what an orca looks like after giving birth.

  6. Is that an artist’s concept of what Aquillini looks like naked?

  7. I didn’t think the Canucks logo could get any worse, yet it is much worse.

  8. randyboozer

    Why is the eye staring at me? Why is it judging me?!

  9. ThanIWentTooTherePig

    Tanev is slowly getting better at drawing I see.

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