@Colorado Avalanche

Little late but my decorating for Christmas is elite 😂 all hail Cale

Little late but my decorating for Christmas is elite 😂 all hail Cale

by Alternative-Ad-7905


  1. weaponized-barracuda

    The only #8 I give a shit about

  2. TuskenRaiders

    Did the wise men bring mayo chicken?

  3. exccord

    Dear 8 pound baby Jesus, please give us a win.

  4. adalaza

    A good swap. Jesus of Nazareth never was the fastest defenseman to reach 200 career points in the NHL, was he? Dude’s a plug, and he’s nailed to those wooden sticks, don’t even think they make them anymore. Still probably the best on Team Palestine but there’s not much competition.

  5. WinkleChick

    Hail Satan??! Go Ass!! In this context, this makes me nervous. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

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